View Full Version : strangely at peace

02-08-2014, 07:44 PM
Went through some pretty off the wall crap lately and I find myself numb to it. Quite peaceful actually. My part in it I have addressed and am regretful for. The rest, well I found out some things that was just wrong. Had a long chat with a friend of mine and she helped put it in perspective. Normally with my issues, my heart would race, extremities would go numb and tingle and the dizziness and headaches would kick in. But not this time. Maybe I have more control, maybe its because I have been down this road so many times. I like to think I have more control. Since my last deployment I have been battling PTSD and multiple types of anxiety. In all honesty I've been doing it alone. No specialists, no meds. Well not quite alone. My brothers here and certain friends have been there from time to time. For them I am blessed. I don't know why I'm on this forum or why I'm posting this. Maybe its to show that everyone can beat this. If I can then so can you. I am not perfect, just ask my ex's lol and still have more work to do. But I have made great progress. Regardless of what certain people think

02-08-2014, 07:50 PM
Great news. Peace

02-08-2014, 07:53 PM
My dad is just now getting some help with his ptsd. He was Vietnam. V.A. is also sending him a check. Sadly he never went for help years ago. He is 72 now, and spent most of his life with this, but did not know it, or that there was help. As he swore off the army when he left, and said he wanted nothing from them. Recently he has visited the V.A. He's finally collecting on some of the benfits he should of had years and years ago. He let his pride make him suffer I guess?


02-08-2014, 08:02 PM
Sorry to hear that gene. But at least he is finally getting help. That's the important part

02-08-2014, 08:06 PM
Yes, he's a tough cookie.

He has never wanted anything free, but now he's accepting of it.

Wish you well Bro.


02-08-2014, 08:14 PM
Thank man you too. And best of luck for your dad