View Full Version : I can't sleep properly in the Nights?????????

Kyle Morgan
02-08-2014, 05:01 PM
As most of you know, I have been suffering with Anxiety and Depression for quite a few years now, I'm 18 and I had my first Panic attack last October on my way home from College on the Bus. Since December time I have had numerous nights where I have just had barely any sleep. I tired going to bed really early, it didn't work, and I even tried staying up until I felt tired, and that still didn't work. When I'm trying to get to sleep I get numerous bad thoughts such as me feeling Suicidal, and I stress about everything which will include really stupid things. I sometimes think that I'm going to die in my sleep or something bad is going to happen, I constantly overthink things when I'm trying to nod off which prevents me from having a nice kip. Sometimes I do not fall asleep heavily until really early in the morning which makes me struggle to get up in the day. Today I got up at 12:30, Sometimes I fear getting up in the morning and facing the world, I don't know what is and what I should do, can anybody give me some suggestions, thanks and peace people :)

02-08-2014, 05:42 PM
any sedating antihistamine will help...if you can get them. :)

Chris C
02-09-2014, 01:12 AM
You can try taking a melatonin supplement. I'll usually take a 3mg dissolving tablet. Or as E-man suggested an over the counter sleeping pill. They're all basically just Benadryl.

02-09-2014, 02:11 AM
Soak in a hot bath with magnesium salts just before bedtime. Read a good book, maybe something light-hearted or humorous. If you don't use a fan in your bedroom, try it. A steady soothing background noise helps me relax and turn off my runaway subconscious mind. When you get in bed, try progressive muscle relaxation techniques. There are lots of good instructional videos online if you don't know how. I'd be careful with some sleep meds. Things like Ambien can actually make you sleepwalk or keep you awake. I've had a few friends try it and they had weird experiences with it. It would be nice if someone would rock us to sleep with a bedtime story, wouldn't it? :D

02-09-2014, 02:42 AM
I have the WORST time sleeping. One thing that does help me once in a while is the relaxation CD I have, it's called Liquid Mind - Adagio for Sleep. It's really comforting and relaxing.

02-09-2014, 09:13 AM
Yes ^^^^^ Doxylamine is a sedative...it will knock you out! It's primary purpose...:)

02-09-2014, 09:48 AM
I know...That's why I don't recommend it to people in the UK because they can't get it. It's scrip only over there...They are very limited on what they can walk into a store and buy for sure. I can get it here for about $4 for 25 tablets OTC. It is veerrryyyy strong stuff too... They add it into some cold meds around here also but it's also very low on the ingredients list at 6.25 mgs. The tablets are 25mgs... :)

02-09-2014, 09:54 AM
That's it!!! But your customs agents will nab that s**t won't they???!!! LOL!! :)


02-09-2014, 12:00 PM
IDK...you may be on Canada's Most Wanted after ordering 192 doxy's!!! LMAO!!!

02-09-2014, 12:06 PM
I know!!! It's as powerful as a barbituate!! LOL!!!....and no sleep walking, driving, running involved either!! :D