View Full Version : Please Someone Calm Me Down!

03-04-2008, 07:16 PM
Well I am back after a few years ...... I want to reintroduce myself. I am a 26 year old mother to 3. I have suffered from Anxiety/Panic for a few years now. I got pregnant and found out I was having twins almost 2 years ago, I really worried about going through such a high risk pregnancy but we made it through. After the babies were born I was feeling GREAT. My husband left a month after they were born to serve in Iraq and I wondered if the disorder would come back but it's been going great........ well so I thought. It's been 8 months and I ended up having this horrible panic attack today. I was in a movie rental place when all of a sudden I bit in to a jumbo piece of bubble gum and my tooth shot with pain, then my right ear clogged up (like I couldn't hear out of it), I started shaking and panicking then I got extremely dizzy, like so bad it was hard to walk straight, I sat down and concentrated on my breathing.... my friend that was with me got me a wet paper towel to put on my face, I thought I was going to fall out of the chair and pass out but I over came it and the clogged feeling went to a slight noise and then gone. I went to the ER but it was so packed I just decided to go home. I was ok for awhile, I got on the phone with a friend who suffers from anxiety and told her what had happened when it started again.... my right ear got that clogged feeling, I didn't get dizzy but I felt a little off balanced. Again it lasted a few minutes and went away with a slight noise. I started looking up symptoms and of course now I am concentrating on the worst case scenario. Please someone tell me this is just anxiety from being stressed out. These past two weeks have been hectic. I really thought it was going away.... I have suffered this since 2001, when I first started having the attacks .... they were back to back all day everyday, I thought I was dying.... I seriously thought I would never live to see the next year.... I just knew something was wrong. I was making endless trips to the ER... ekg's, blood work, x- rays.... you name it. I finally admitted myself in to a behavorial hospital for a few weeks to help me cope, they had a really good program and it helped me for a little while. I chose to get taken off the meds and I started having the attacks again, this time I was getting palpitations, started getting this weird vibration through my body, headaches, sleepy, dizzy, lightheaded.... it wasn't so much the chest pain anymore but new symptoms. I was afraid to leave home, going to the grocery store was a challenge (if I could just count how many times I left a full buggy). Will this ever end? Sorry for the vent.... this forum has helped me in the past and I am hoping someone can help me again. Thanks in advance!

03-05-2008, 06:46 AM
Good Morning AskDonna! Hopefully today finds you in better spirits.
I wouldnt dwell to much on this one attack, was anything happening when this came on? Have you been stressing more lately?

Hopefully you can sort down what triggered it and eliminate it for the next time.

Sound like you have alot going on in your life with the babies and your husband over in Iraq. Its perfectly normal to be under some stress.

If the anxiety becomes more frequent maybe you should talk to your doctor, but hopefully this was just a one time thing :)