View Full Version : worried about health as usual!

02-08-2014, 02:16 PM
I reallyyyyyy wish this would stop!!! I'm at my wits end worrying about my health. I'm 20 year old and a mother, i shouldn't be worrying like this! When i stop worrying about a certain thing i then move on to something else! Its one thing after the other. I know theres loads of people out there that worry about their health but i feel like i'm the only one . I have no one to talk to as my family just brush it off, they don't realise how its affecting me. They just laugh & tell me to stop being stupid if i tell them what i'm worrying about. Its driving me insane! I want this feeling to go away!!

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 02:36 PM
I reallyyyyyy wish this would stop!!! I'm at my wits end worrying about my health. I'm 20 year old and a mother, i shouldn't be worrying like this! When i stop worrying about a certain thing i then move on to something else! Its one thing after the other. I know theres loads of people out there that worry about their health but i feel like i'm the only one . I have no one to talk to as my family just brush it off, they don't realise how its affecting me. They just laugh & tell me to stop being stupid if i tell them what i'm worrying about. Its driving me insane! I want this feeling to go away!!

Are you on any meds for your anxiety?

02-08-2014, 02:54 PM
No i'm not on anything

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 05:32 PM
No i'm not on anything

I would definitely talk to your Dr about possibly a med to try... Anxiety especially when being a mom doesn't just go away.. If you're not into meds right now you can try counselling to see if that can help you..
I have severe health anxiety and a whack of other too and i eventually had to turn medications as my other methods weren't cutting it(Working out, vitamins, Laser acupuncture ect..) so i had to fold and try another way..
But i know how you feel and how awful it feels believe me!
Something that you can do is tell yourself that your nervous system is overactive and this is just anxiety, realize you are 20, that is very young and health is in your favour :)
These are just thoughts and not the truth...
I hope i helped a bit and you should just see a Dr to explain how you're feeling and make a game plan!
I'm rooting for you! :)

02-08-2014, 06:49 PM
I reallyyyyyy wish this would stop!!! I'm at my wits end worrying about my health. I'm 20 year old and a mother, i shouldn't be worrying like this! When i stop worrying about a certain thing i then move on to something else! Its one thing after the other. I know theres loads of people out there that worry about their health but i feel like i'm the only one . I have no one to talk to as my family just brush it off, they don't realise how its affecting me. They just laugh & tell me to stop being stupid if i tell them what i'm worrying about. Its driving me insane! I want this feeling to go away!!

Just a little to add to what Terre Nova mentioned about anxiety and motherhood.

It is really common that anxiety triggers/worsens as a result of life changes, motherhood is a major change (physical, hormonal and emotional), but also brings with it an immense responsibility for another life which can further exacerbate the anxiety.

One of THE most commonly stated fears by both new and experienced mothers suffering with health anxiety, is not just the usual fears of rare and fatal events potentially occurring in the body, but there are added underlying thoughts that they are going to leave the child without a mother (for example over holiday seasons like Xmas, commonly women (and some men), torture themselves with such thinking).

Again as Terre Nova points out, you are not alone and have the odds stacked heavily in your favour, but like most people with health anxiety the "what if" overrides the "what if not".

Sometimes you really have to force yourself to challenge your thinking by writing down the pros and cons, and ask yourself what do you gain by worrying? and what do you lose? for eg.

"What if my worst fears come true"? - Answer: Whilst this is VERY unlikely, you cannot control it through stress and this would happen regardless of whether you are worrying or not. Outcome : LOSE/LOSE

"What if I live a long life"? - Answer: Whilst this is MORE LIKELY, by spending a long life constantly worrying that your worst fears will happen, you are missing out on being fully happy, and fully enjoying the time with your kid/kids, and at the same time still having no control over whether or not you become ill. Outcome : WIN/LOSE

"What if I stop worrying about my fears altogether"? Answer: You take control over the anxiety that is holding you in the cycle of the first of these questions, which in turn changes the outcome of the second question, leaving you free to accept life is a gamble, but the odds are in your favour, and enjoy being happy. Outcome : WIN/WIN

Whilst it is really hard to do at first, you must not allow negative thoughts to escalate into catastrophe, every time a bad thought appears and you imagine "what if it is"? Immediately counter this with "what if it is NOT"?

02-08-2014, 07:22 PM
Just a little to add to what Terre Nova mentioned about anxiety and motherhood. It is really common that anxiety triggers/worsens as a result of life changes, motherhood is a major change (physical, hormonal and emotional), but also brings with it an immense responsibility for another life which can further exacerbate the anxiety. One of THE most commonly stated fears by both new and experienced mothers suffering with health anxiety, is not just the usual fears of rare and fatal events potentially occurring in the body, but there are added underlying thoughts that they are going to leave the child without a mother (for example over holiday seasons like Xmas, commonly women (and some men), torture themselves with such thinking). Again as Terre Nova points out, you are not alone and have the odds stacked heavily in your favour, but like most people with health anxiety the "what if" overrides the "what if not". Sometimes you really have to force yourself to challenge your thinking by writing down the pros and cons, and ask yourself what do you gain by worrying? and what do you lose? for eg. "What if my worst fears come true"? - Answer: Whilst this is VERY unlikely, you cannot control it through stress and this would happen regardless of whether you are worrying or not. Outcome : LOSE/LOSE "What if I live a long life"? - Answer: Whilst this is MORE LIKELY, by spending a long life constantly worrying that your worst fears will happen, you are missing out on being fully happy, and fully enjoying the time with your kid/kids, and at the same time still having no control over whether or not you become ill. Outcome : WIN/LOSE "What if I stop worrying about my fears altogether"? Answer: You take control over the anxiety that is holding you in the cycle of the first of these questions, which in turn changes the outcome of the second question, leaving you free to accept life is a gamble, but the odds are in your favour, and enjoy being happy. Outcome : WIN/WIN Whilst it is really hard to do at first, you must not allow negative thoughts to escalate into catastrophe, every time a bad thought appears and you imagine "what if it is"? Immediately counter this with "what if it is NOT"? I absolutely love the way you laid this out. Thank you :) I need to follow this.

02-09-2014, 08:33 AM
I absolutely love the way you laid this out. Thank you :) I need to follow this.

Thank you for your kind feedback :)

02-09-2014, 09:23 AM
I reallyyyyyy wish this would stop!!! I'm at my wits end worrying about my health... Its driving me insane! I want this feeling to go away!!
Our obsession is OCD. It's why we focus and obsess on every ache and pain as we do!! The crazy cycle is exacerbated by our hypersensitivity to our bodies. We feel everything and the ache/pain is the worse case scenario. It's a cruel cycle. I feel that shooting sensation of anxiety/ panic and it spins me at the brink of losing control; again the OCD rearing it's ugly head. Even though you're family may not understand, you are not alone!