View Full Version : Doing A LOT better -Update

02-08-2014, 01:37 PM
Hello everyone! Just thought I'd come pop in to post an update on how I've been doing. My anxiety has gone down tremendously. Although I still have days where my mind wanders off and I get a little panicky, I have not had a full blown panic attack in a few months. I am currently not on any meds but may get on Zoloft or Abilify soon just to keep the panicky feelings down a little more.

What has helped me a lot is praying and also knowing the symptoms of anxiety. When I start feeling anxious, I notice my heart rate increases, I start feeling shaky, and start getting the chills. I know they are all symptoms of anxiety though and I've been to the doctor and I have no physical health issues whatsoever so that's helped too. To give more insight on my anxiety, mine spawned from a bad dream I had years ago that pretty much never left my thoughts. I had a fear of the heart exploding (which I found out isn't even possible) and it consumed my mind for years. I am doing considerably better now and even when the thoughts do come on, they barely even bother me.

My advice to anyone with anxiety, especially health related, is to talk to your doctor or just anyone you really trust and tell them what's bothering you. They'll rule out what may be causing your anxiety to bother you. If you think you may need meds, take them as prescribed but also do activities you enjoy. For instance, I enjoy drawing, reading about animals, playing with my daughter, and writing. Focus on the things you love and focus on getting better rather than dwelling on what's bothering you because in a Christian perspective, anxiety is just the devil whispering lies in your head. Just ignore him and his antics :)

02-08-2014, 01:43 PM
Well done thats great news Gemmy, its always so good to hear someone feeling better, I hope you continue to go from strength to strength. :)

02-08-2014, 01:52 PM
Great news to see Gemmy!!! :)