View Full Version : Please help.

02-08-2014, 08:41 AM
I woke up with my heart beating so fast. After sleeping nine hours I'm still completely exhausted. I had a really hard time falling asleep because my heart keep racing every time I would doze off. I posted my whole story in the first post. Is this just a part of this anxiety? I'm so sleepy, but scared to go to sleep because I know my heart is gonna beat really fast and I don't want to have to fight for sleep. Especially after sleeping for nine hours.

El Lukio
02-08-2014, 08:45 AM
I woke up with my heart beating so fast. After sleeping nine hours I'm still completely exhausted. I had a really hard time falling asleep because my heart keep racing every time I would doze off. I posted my whole story in the first post. Is this just a part of this anxiety? I'm so sleepy, but scared to go to sleep because I know my heart is gonna beat really fast and I don't want to have to fight for sleep. Especially after sleeping for nine hours. If you need sleep don't fight it - your body has a way of telling you when it is tired. And the fast heart beat is a classic anxiety symptom. The more you focus on it, the more anxious you get and the vicious cycle continues. It's hard to break it but to try to relax. Put some soothing music on and focus on that to help you get back to sleep.

02-08-2014, 09:04 AM
Is it normal to be this exhausted after a week of nothing but anxiety even after a nights sleep? I feel like my body is gonna shut down in my sleep and I won't wake up. I'm so tired. I keep dozing off but waking up and looking around only to notice that things look blurry. And I'm frightened right now.

El Lukio
02-08-2014, 09:19 AM
Is it normal to be this exhausted after a week of nothing but anxiety even after a nights sleep? I feel like my body is gonna shut down in my sleep and I won't wake up. I'm so tired. I keep dozing off but waking up and looking around only to notice that things look blurry. And I'm frightened right now. I think if you have had a bad week, where you're so worked up over everything like you say, then even a night's sleep might not be enough. Anxiety zaps energy, motivation and interest and it's an exhausting burden to carry. You're body probably needs the rest so give in to it. Nothing will happen when you are asleep. And the blurriness is probably because you are tired and waking after dozing, your eyes may take some time to readjust. Seriously, this is all part of anxiety. It's a terrible thing. Try to rest - you will feel better and you will get through it. There are people here who can help - we're all going through/been through this.

02-08-2014, 09:22 AM
I hate to be such a burden, but I'm in full blown panic mode right now. And it really does help to talk to someone. I'm having a hard time believing what anyone says. I feel like this is going to be the death of me. I feel like the doctor must have missed something.

02-08-2014, 09:30 AM
It's ok lyssa... This won't be the death of you, I promise. You must keep telling yourself that this is the anxiety, nothing more. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you, it's just your brain tricking you into believing that. Practice some deep breathing exercises - I find that's the fastest way to come down from a panic attack so you can start focusing. You can do this - keep the positive thoughts going, breathe deep, tell yourself it's just the anxiety and try to distract your thoughts.

02-08-2014, 09:34 AM
It doesn't feel like a panic attack. Usually I have tingling in my hands and am breathing really hard and crying. I don't even have the energy to cry. I'm so tired I could just fall out. But my heart won't slow down and I'm kinda shaky. I'm sorry you guys. I'm just really scared right now. I feel like I should go to a hospital. Like there's something else very wrong. I mean why else would my body be acting like this? But my mother keeps telling me that we've been through this many times before. And that my medicine will kick in in a few more days. I've been on my new dose for 4 days now. You guys don't think I need to go to a hospital do you?

El Lukio
02-08-2014, 09:45 AM
It doesn't feel like a panic attack. Usually I have tingling in my hands and am breathing really hard and crying. I don't even have the energy to cry. I'm so tired I could just fall out. But my heart won't slow down and I'm kinda shaky. I'm sorry you guys. I'm just really scared right now. I feel like I should go to a hospital. Like there's something else very wrong. I mean why else would my body be acting like this? But my mother keeps telling me that we've been through this many times before. And that my medicine will kick in in a few more days. I've been on my new dose for 4 days now. You guys don't think I need to go to a hospital do you?

Lyssa, listen to your Mother. By what you have said, she has seen this before with you. I know in the height of panic and anxiety we can be irrational and not believe what people say to calm us. This is your mind doing this to you. The change of meds may contribute to you feeling tired as your body adjusts to the new dose. Try to practice breathing and focus on something to try and break the panic. I'm so sorry what you're going through. We've all been there. Keep talking to us - we'll try to help.

02-08-2014, 09:49 AM
I have drank two cups of chamomile tea this morning hoping to calm down. But it doesn't seem to be helping. I don't know if it's anxiety and panic or if I really do need some medical attention. Am I being irrational?

El Lukio
02-08-2014, 09:53 AM
I have drank two cups of chamomile tea this morning hoping to calm down. But it doesn't seem to be helping. I don't know if it's anxiety and panic or if I really do need some medical attention. Am I being irrational?

It deffo sounds like anxiety and panic. You know how it can affect us and does make us irrational at times. But I don't think you're being irrational. You're genuinely scared which is not a good thing. 'Normal' folk might think were irrational but this is our way of life. It's so easy to say but please, try to relax.

02-08-2014, 09:57 AM
But I keep thinking maybe this time is different. Maybe I'm panicking for a real reason. I have no health insurance. So a trip to the emergency room would stick with me for the rest of my life. But I feel like that's the only was I'm going to feel better. I feel like I need many tests run to rule out all diseases or cancers. I'm completely losing my mind. And it doesn't give up. I'm like this all day. All because I'm tired. I shouldn't be exhausted right now. I shouldn't have been exhausted yesterday.

02-08-2014, 10:02 AM
I can't tell if this is anxiety and panic or if I'm actually scared for a real reason. It feels very real. And I feel like the only way I'm going to feel better is if I got to the emergency room and get tests run to rule out all other causes of this. But I have no health insurance. So a trip to the emergency room would haunt me for the rest of my life. If you don't mind personal messaging me. I'm not a creep. I'm just scared and need someone to talk to.

02-08-2014, 10:22 AM
please listen carefully. i had same problems and still having them. you need to take somwthing that will help you sleep. but when the night comes not during the day. it is so important that you sleep in this phase. the most impoetant thing regulate your sleep. when you wake up as soon as you get the first bad feeling do somwthing and i mean ASAP.please only this is helping me.i wake up in the morninf feeling dead and i go for running and that wakes me up.i can totally relate to you. listen to my advices. at any moment you should keep your mind busy.but no tv or phones. chamomile only before sleeping.avoid naps they will confuse you. have someone or something near you that is reassurance for you.focus on what ia going on around you not within you.stop analysing everything inside brain or body. meds will help you but u should work with yourself and turn negativity into power.anything just feel free to ask at [email protected]. i want to help as much as i can people who suffer like me

02-08-2014, 10:43 AM
I wake up with a bad feeling. I wake up with a racing heart. Just like I fall asleep with a racing heart when I actually do fall asleep. I haven't been taking naps. Before all this anxiety hit me I used to sleep about 13 hours a day. It's just always been my pattern. But now I've been sleeping between 6-8 hours a night. But this exhaustion really has me believing something is wrong with either my heart or my brain. I shouldn't have trouble sleeping. I've never had trouble before. And I surely never woke up tired to the point where I keep trying to doze off. Am I going crazy?

El Lukio
02-08-2014, 11:04 AM
Lyssa, you're definitely not going crazy. Honestly, we've all been there. This is just anxiety and panic ruining your life. Please try and find something to distract you. Like Cimi suggested, exercise is great as is listening to music. The exhaustion comes from your body continually in turmoil and the adrenaline OD that you're on. You will be Ok.