View Full Version : Please please dont be the stomach flu!!

02-08-2014, 04:05 AM
Just woke up 20 minutes ago with abdominal cramps then felt I had to use the bathroom... Sorry tmi but was sick in the bathroom for 10 minutes. Won't go into detail. I had the stomach flu last year and this is just how it started. I had it when I was pregnant with my second child, and was sure I got it from fast food--- as the stomach flu is passed through fluids. So of someone is preparing food... Per say... And have the stomach flu and don't wash their hands properly or at all... It can be passed by their hands to the food, and is a virus that Infects the intestines.
So now I feel ok. But I've had it before and when you have it you are sick every hour.
So now I'm up worrying I have this stupid thing again. Thing is if it is... IT IS REALLY BAD TIMING, not to go into it but its job related.
Great ... So now my anxiety is up a bit... Breathing steady to keep it from rising. The last time I had the stomach flu it was during the week, and knowing I was supposed to work the next day and care for my children my anxiety shot up big time. I phone this health link number where you talk to a nurse and I was all over the place.. Because I had anxiety and symptoms of having something that was making me sick and she map asking what my main concern was symptom wise and I couldn't sort it out... Thank you anxiety.
And I have both of my children in my bed sleeping next to me.
I'm not looking for answers or sympathy just venting because I can't sleep right now.
I took my last Tylenol 3 I have left over from my broken ( healing ) foot. Codeine is what was prescribed to me when I had the stomach flu last time.
And I'm going over what I ate... Same thing as my children. For take out I did order Sushi- California Rolls...which I shared with my daughter. I am very diligent with hand washing too...which is one way you can spread and get the stomach flu.
So just breathe..... Breathe....breathe....
Hoping its not. Well I may know in 30 mins.

02-08-2014, 04:46 AM
Ok it's been almost an hour... Not sick again... Please..... Be a one time getting violently sick thing. I'd prefer food poisoning over the stomach flu.. You get over that faster

02-08-2014, 06:59 AM
Hopefully you're ok Blondie!! (I have never eaten sushi in my life, is it good??)


02-08-2014, 09:17 AM
Sushi is awesome.. I always get California Rolls. When I've tried Tuna and other rolls with raw meat it is so chewy just the texture I don't like. But you can get Sushi that doesn't have meat.

And I was able to get back to sleep, and still feel a bit off. I asked my daughter if she feels her tummy hurts and she said it does, but she hasn't gotten sick. My head is pounding though... That's after a t3 and recently 2 Advil.

So I think it's either stomach flu or food poisoning ... Or something else. Food poisoning lasts a day or two... Stomach flu is 3-5 days. So hoping its not that. I have to grab some groceries later so I may go to a walk in clinic.

But ugh that was a horrible way to get woken up at 3:30 am! Being sick in every way... Won't go into detail. Just trying to relax and cuddle with my kids now.

02-09-2014, 09:04 AM
Ugh.....stomach flu and food poisoning. You are right...food poisoning passes through your system alot faster. My advice? Drink alot of water. It will flush your system....if its food poisoning. Do chicken broth and ginger ale.

If its stomach flu, it will be difficult to even keep water down. I would try to suck on ice cubes or get something to replenish your electrolytes, like Gatorade.

I agree with you, the stomach flu is much worse than the food poisoning.

Eman.....sushi is awesome. I only do the ones that are fully cooked though.....no raw fish for me, thank you. Im really very picky though.....I want to see it made in front of me so I know its all fresh. They have an excellent place close to me that I love....only place I will get it from.

02-10-2014, 06:21 AM
Put on the kettle and make the water WARM, not Boiling. Fill a glass half full of this water, add the orange juice cordial, then fill the other half with cold water. Get a spoon and crush the paracetamol tablet into powder and put this powder into the drink and stir well. If you have Honey, this a great boost but not required. Drink this and you should feel it working within the hour. Do this 3 times a day. The 2 core things you need to always do when your ill is to rest. Sleep is sometimes good but it lowers your blood oxygen levels and you need this to fight the illness. So dont sleep too much. The second thing is heat. Heat expands and relaxes your muscles so you need a hot water bottle on your stomach. This will ease tension in the muscles around the stomach so it has less chance of bringing anything up. Food is also a core thing but nothing solid otherwise youll be seeing it again. Lol. So have smooth cups of soup, preferably some flavour your ok with having. Soup requires less work for your body and doesnt have to be digested as much and so stays in the stomach without disturbances. Allowing your body to soak up those essential ingredients and build up its defences.