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02-08-2014, 02:34 AM
I think I am developing some ocds and intrusive thoughts let me know what you think. I feel like I always have underlying anxiety, but the panic attacks I can pretty much control because I've had so many of them in my life...anyways... I have a fear of not having my phone in my hand in case something happens... I obsessively google any new topic I'm not familiar with. Even if it isn't health related, but especially if it is. And now When I am smiling, I get thoughts like..."we'll you're about to die so it's good your smiling now" My brain is so rude I tell ya. My hands feel like they are burning if I Can't touch hand sanitizer fast enough after leaving the house, I've even made my sick child carry around a Lysol wipe to clean the door handles she touched. (But hey I didn't get sick and no one else did either) anyway. I feel like these are thy beginning stages..hmmm

02-08-2014, 02:44 AM
I think I am developing some ocds and intrusive thoughts let me know what you think. I feel like I always have underlying anxiety, but the panic attacks I can pretty much control because I've had so many of them in my life...anyways... I have a fear of not having my phone in my hand in case something happens... I obsessively google any new topic I'm not familiar with. Even if it isn't health related, but especially if it is. And now When I am smiling, I get thoughts like..."we'll you're about to die so it's good your smiling now" My brain is so rude I tell ya. My hands feel like they are burning if I Can't touch hand sanitizer fast enough after leaving the house, I've even made my sick child carry around a Lysol wipe to clean the door handles she touched. (But hey I didn't get sick and no one else did either) anyway. I feel like these are thy beginning stages..hmmm

I get flare ups of OCD when I am under slightly elevated stress.

Mine is checking door handles, plug sockets etc. and of course the "opening toilet doors with my feet and elbows" :)

Don't worry too much about it, the more you worry the more you will get the thoughts.

I had intrusive thoughts even when my anxiety was controlled, hypnotherapy helped heaps :)

02-08-2014, 02:48 AM
That makes sense! Normally this doesn't happen but I mean If I had ocd, hypochondria,panic disorder and those thoughts I'd probably go even more crazy. Lol i guess I do have a form of all of those and I'm pretty normal, besides you know the obsessive thoughts, intrusive thoughts, and thinking I'm always moments from death. And here I am laughing about it. Lol oh man.

02-08-2014, 04:39 AM
Hi ya on dam them intrusive thoughts grrrrr
I think they are a pain in the backside to And scary yes
BUT everyone has them but for us we over think them and give them importance and then start thinking why am I thinking that ?
Do I want to do it
Oh my go I'm going mad
I'm a horrible person
And then we constantly Google and search for answers why
And the list goes on
You are a normal person,I know I get them and they are horrible but treat them for what they are and that's just thoughts

02-08-2014, 06:35 AM
I think I am developing some ocds and intrusive thoughts
ab123...I can totally relate! OCD is absolutely the cause of us obsessing over or thoughts. It's one thing to think a passing thought but that is not what we do. We think and link it to the worse case scenario!!! It's as if our synapses aren't connecting or we're missing something, It gets to be so exhausting to have this constant worry and obsession...lucky us! : )