View Full Version : woke up and had a run on the woods :)

02-08-2014, 02:01 AM
sharing my successes makes me feel good.i woke up feeling lost like i do always.i took the courage to take a run.i feel really good now.distraction is the key, although it is diffi ult you should het your ass up and do something.i know i will feel that feeling of lost again and i am not afraid anymore.

El Lukio
02-08-2014, 02:17 AM
sharing my successes makes me feel good.i woke up feeling lost like i do always.i took the courage to take a run.i feel really good now.distraction is the key, although it is diffi ult you should het your ass up and do something.i know i will feel that feeling of lost again and i am not afraid anymore.

Awesome well done Cimi! That's a great achievement and I bet you feel a whole heap better for it. I started running again a few weeks ago but got a groin strain that's only just going so I'll have to take it easy next time. Go you!

02-08-2014, 03:34 AM
sharing my successes makes me feel good.i woke up feeling lost like i do always.i took the courage to take a run.i feel really good now.distraction is the key, although it is diffi ult you should het your ass up and do something.i know i will feel that feeling of lost again and i am not afraid anymore.

That's the way to go Bashkim! Don't let it control you. I'm glad you feel better :)

02-08-2014, 03:51 AM
That's the way to go Bashkim! Don't let it control you. I'm glad you feel better :)

thanks man really thank you. you hape helped me so much elias.also everybody here. yeah i felt so much better and still feel awesome so alive. it just takes some courage at first. i want my life back and i will have it back at any cost.

02-08-2014, 04:45 AM
I find going for a walk or jog helps too..but I have a 3&5 year old and my hubby works out of town a lot right now. And when it's too cold going out with the kids is not an option. Sometimes just getting them ready to go out is stressful! But when there is someone to watch them..I find getting outside --- especially at night when it's so quiet can be relaxing. But my neighborhood is nice... Which is why I moved here- mostly retired people and families. And I'm a 2 minute walk to the park. Sometimes a swing ride can help too.
When you are a parent that works full time and has a partner away a lot.. Seldom do you get alone time.

02-08-2014, 07:09 AM
Success!!! Now I wanna go for a run but I'd faceplant at the sidewalk....:)