View Full Version : went to a few stores today!!!

02-07-2014, 09:31 PM
I did really good. Didn't panic at all. But couldn't get thoughts of my heart off my mind!! Idk why. I want to be scared but I see a lot post here about this. So is this common++?

And I was buying my kiddos some clothes and a few other things for them... I had no interest in even looking for anything for me. I feel like I have totally lost interest in myself. Why is this?? :/ :/ I want to change that

02-07-2014, 10:56 PM
That's awesome you got out and about, regardless of who you were shopping for. The more you get out, the more likely you'll start finding things for yourself and things that interest you. The important thing is that you got out and were relatively anxiety free. Don't over think it. That's a big victory. Congrats!

02-07-2014, 11:43 PM
That's awesome you got out and about, regardless of who you were shopping for. The more you get out, the more likely you'll start finding things for yourself and things that interest you. The important thing is that you got out and were relatively anxiety free. Don't over think it. That's a big victory. Congrats!

Thanks.. your kind words always ease the mind :):)

02-08-2014, 07:16 AM
YAY!!! You're moving forward too!!!....:)

02-08-2014, 10:41 AM
YAY!!! You're moving forward too!!!....:)

Yes I feel I am. Usually when I go to Wal-Mart I'm shaky, nervous and I can't keep my mind settled.. but this time I was so at peace