View Full Version : Need to vent...

Terre Nova
02-07-2014, 08:38 PM
I had a bunch of tests done today, not my issue though i have some concerns about that..
Anyways, my 4 year old son came to me saying his testies hurt...
So knowing i had my tests i took him with ne to a walk in..
They found a lump and are not sure if it's a hernia or cyst or tumor...
So for the second time in his short life he has to flown out to childrens hospital in Edmonton (about 5 hrs away)
I'm not sure how to feel or maybe i'm just numb..
His first surgery was at 2 months old, due to Pyloric Stenosis and he was hours away from death...
I'm trying my best not to just meltdown.. Anticipation is the worst for a anxiety/panic, as i'm sure you all know...
Just feeling sooo worried!

02-07-2014, 08:59 PM
OMG I'm so sorry. I know about pyloric stenosis. I was afraid my daughter had it when she was a baby. I feel so bad for you and your poor son. Hope everything turns out ok with him!! Hugs!

Terre Nova
02-07-2014, 09:03 PM
OMG I'm so sorry. I know about pyloric stenosis. I was afraid my daughter had it when she was a baby. I feel so bad for you and your poor son. Hope everything turns out ok with him!! Hugs!

It was so traumatic it led me into a horrible panic for years after! Just wish this sweet lil man could catch a break :'(
Thank you for the support! Hugs back! :)

02-07-2014, 09:16 PM
sorry terra. i hope its good luck for you :( kids are biggest worry x

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 12:26 AM
sorry terra. i hope its good luck for you :( kids are biggest worry x

Thank you! I hope so too! Xx

02-08-2014, 05:57 AM
Sorry to hear that, hope all comes back good xx

02-08-2014, 06:33 AM
Our thoughts are with you Terre and hopeful that all goes well...


Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 12:51 PM
Our thoughts are with you Terre and hopeful that all goes well...


Thanks Eman <3

02-08-2014, 12:55 PM
Is everything going ok????....:)

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 01:01 PM
[QUOTE="Enduronman;157412"]Is everything going ok????....:)[/QUOTE

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 01:02 PM
Is everything going ok????....:)

Are you asking about my son being ok?

02-08-2014, 01:03 PM
Yes!!!! DUH!!!! :)

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 01:29 PM
Yes!!!! DUH!!!! :)

Sry i'm sleepy...
I hope it will be !! I have to book an ultrasound on Monday before they book the surgery..
I'm just trying to keep myself together and not panic.. Nothing worse than the unknown when one suffers from anxiety.... Its almost 5 years to the day that he was emergency airlifted to Childrens.. I'm hoping this time around it won't be an emerge... Also wondering why they couldn't do the surgery at the hospital here..
Makes me a tad anxious... Poor little man can't catch a break :(

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 01:31 PM
Good luck to the little guy.

My son fought through meningococcal meningitis with septicaemia at 4 years. I still see him all little in the hospital.
Kids are great at bouncing back. I will be wishing your littlen all the best hopes I have.

Oh wow!! Thats crazy! I'm happy everything went ok! Thats really serious!!
Thanks Frankie! :)

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 01:58 PM
Maybe they are not doing it at your local hospital because it does not have a sufficient pediactric department. Many regional hospitals here in Ireland would send the kids to temple street in Dublin as it's a pediactric hospital.

I think you will manage your anxiety Terre as your focus will be on your little mans needs. We seem to manage at our best for our kids needs first somehow. :)

Thanks Frankie! And i didn't know you lived in Ireland! Neat :)

02-08-2014, 02:03 PM
Thanks Frankie! And i didn't know you lived in Ireland! Neat :)

Yeah, it's neat if you like to drink

I'll drink with you anywhere, Frankie

And then we could carjack someone and go joy riding like old times

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 02:09 PM
Yeah, it's neat if you like to drink

I'll drink with you anywhere, Frankie

And then we could carjack someone and go joy riding like old times

My dad's from Ireland but ive never been..
I'd love to go check it out someday!
If i ever do, you, Frankie and i would have to get Irish wasted together..
I'm pretty good at it if i do say so myself ;)

02-08-2014, 02:13 PM
My dad's from Ireland but ive never been.. I'd love to go check it out someday! If i ever do, you, Frankie and i would have to get Irish wasted together.. I'm pretty good at it if i do say so myself ;) LoL

I've been practicing my "Ireland " all weekend and plan on going in overdrive tonight!

Franke, lead the way.....with your friendly pooch

02-08-2014, 08:04 PM
My grandson, just had that he will be 3 in March. It was a hernia. My son was found to have a cyst as well and it self absorbed. I bet your little guy is going to be great. I'm sure pulling for him. Keep your peace as he needs to see that. It's difficult, but kids don't worry much, well until we teach them too. All my best.

Terre Nova
02-08-2014, 08:24 PM
My grandson, just had that he will be 3 in March. It was a hernia. My son was found to have a cyst as well and it self absorbed. I bet your little guy is going to be great. I'm sure pulling for him. Keep your peace as he needs to see that. It's difficult, but kids don't worry much, well until we teach them too. All my best.

Thank you GeneAllen :)
I don't show the children i'm worried but on the inside, it's like a hurricane of emotions...
I'm doing my best and just hope everything with pan out fine :)

02-08-2014, 11:10 PM
Oh Terre Nova, if anyone knows anxiety/panic issues regarding their precious children its me. You don't have to share the same experiences either to understand what goes on it the heart of a mother regarding her child. I'm not going into the story, because this is about YOU, but everyone on here knows I have a son in his early 20's, that's in jail right now for Grand Theft Auto. While Intoxicated. This kid could be a model he's so handsome and kind. Point is, He's not 4 years old, but everything within my soul loves him just as if he was. It's a gut wrenching feeling. I had a mini nervous breakdown, because he tried committing suicide with almost completion before going to jail. My Anxiety and Panic attacks were so bad I was calling my hubby everyday 30 times a day, and it was really causing him problems. I couldn't handle being alone. They finally put me on Klonopin, temporarily, which was a lifesaver. But what helped the most girl, was digging down as deep as I could and grabbing ahold of what little bit of hope I could. As long as you have air in your lungs, and hope and faith, anything is possible. Please remember that. Also grab ahold of some strength too!! I used to hate it when people would tell me "You have to stay strong". I felt like just looking at them, like they were dumb lol., and saying "You go right ahead girlfriend and hop on that "STRONG" train, and don't return until you've walked a mile in my shoes. But people don't know what to say sometimes. So I figure, if they care enough to say anything, then at least they care. I will say a special prayer for your little one, but for you as well. I know the other side of it, and you NEED to do what you're doing... leaning on others. You'll be amazed at how much it will help you get through this. We care honey. And I hope that precious gift of life will be perfectly fine. I am always here if you need me. Don't do what I did once. And that's give completely in. I felt I could go no longer. YES you can. And if I pulled myself up, you'll be ok too hon. I'm here remember. Dorrie

02-08-2014, 11:30 PM
Hang in there girl, and lean on us all you need!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dorrie

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 01:43 AM
Oh Terre Nova, if anyone knows anxiety/panic issues regarding their precious children its me. You don't have to share the same experiences either to understand what goes on it the heart of a mother regarding her child. I'm not going into the story, because this is about YOU, but everyone on here knows I have a son in his early 20's, that's in jail right now for Grand Theft Auto. While Intoxicated. This kid could be a model he's so handsome and kind. Point is, He's not 4 years old, but everything within my soul loves him just as if he was. It's a gut wrenching feeling. I had a mini nervous breakdown, because he tried committing suicide with almost completion before going to jail. My Anxiety and Panic attacks were so bad I was calling my hubby everyday 30 times a day, and it was really causing him problems. I couldn't handle being alone. They finally put me on Klonopin, temporarily, which was a lifesaver. But what helped the most girl, was digging down as deep as I could and grabbing ahold of what little bit of hope I could. As long as you have air in your lungs, and hope and faith, anything is possible. Please remember that. Also grab ahold of some strength too!! I used to hate it when people would tell me "You have to stay strong". I felt like just looking at them, like they were dumb lol., and saying "You go right ahead girlfriend and hop on that "STRONG" train, and don't return until you've walked a mile in my shoes. But people don't know what to say sometimes. So I figure, if they care enough to say anything, then at least they care. I will say a special prayer for your little one, but for you as well. I know the other side of it, and you NEED to do what you're doing... leaning on others. You'll be amazed at how much it will help you get through this. We care honey. And I hope that precious gift of life will be perfectly fine. I am always here if you need me. Don't do what I did once. And that's give completely in. I felt I could go no longer. YES you can. And if I pulled myself up, you'll be ok too hon. I'm here remember. Dorrie

Thank you kindly Dorrie! That was really kind and heartfelt! I appreciate every word you wrote!
Much love, Terre Nova <3

02-09-2014, 02:38 PM
Well, honestly... how are you feeling today?? I don't mean to bother you hon, but on the other hand, I want you to know I've been thinking about you. When someones going through something similar to what you have, you kind of, well I Kind of. lol, like to stay in touch, because I SERIOUSLY mean it when I say I'm here should you need to talk. I don't care if its about Butterfly's or Rainbows!! lol. Ok, that would be just really weird, but at least you get, or hope you got, how serious I am. a lot of times people might say... "I'm always here", meaning it, and meaning well, but I'm serious. You don't need to be alone when your going through really rough patches. Just letting you know I was thinking about you. Ok, my heads starting to droop. Ha Ha. time for a little afternoon Siesta. lol. take care sweetie. Dorrie

02-09-2014, 05:24 PM
Tera nova I had not post here, honestly I did not know what to say.... It is terrible when parents my go through such tough time. I hope it is nothing serious and You will be happy in a few days. I am reading the thread though, and thinking of you and your little one.:)

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 06:54 PM
Well, honestly... how are you feeling today?? I don't mean to bother you hon, but on the other hand, I want you to know I've been thinking about you. When someones going through something similar to what you have, you kind of, well I Kind of. lol, like to stay in touch, because I SERIOUSLY mean it when I say I'm here should you need to talk. I don't care if its about Butterfly's or Rainbows!! lol. Ok, that would be just really weird, but at least you get, or hope you got, how serious I am. a lot of times people might say... "I'm always here", meaning it, and meaning well, but I'm serious. You don't need to be alone when your going through really rough patches. Just letting you know I was thinking about you. Ok, my heads starting to droop. Ha Ha. time for a little afternoon Siesta. lol. take care sweetie. Dorrie

Thank you again Dorrie!!!! <3 <3 <3

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 06:55 PM
Tera nova I had not post here, honestly I did not know what to say.... It is terrible when parents my go through such tough time. I hope it is nothing serious and You will be happy in a few days. I am reading the thread though, and thinking of you and your little one.:)

Thanks Dahila! Xx

02-09-2014, 07:33 PM

I will be thinking and praying for your little man in the upcoming days. Please keep us all posted on what you find out.

02-09-2014, 09:00 PM
good luck with everything! No matter what happens, know that you are strong enough to handle it. Good luck and I wish you the best

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 11:06 PM

I will be thinking and praying for your little man in the upcoming days. Please keep us all posted on what you find out.

Thank Becky!! And i definitely will keep you a posted!!

Terre Nova
02-09-2014, 11:07 PM
good luck with everything! No matter what happens, know that you are strong enough to handle it. Good luck and I wish you the best

Thank you! :)

Terre Nova
02-10-2014, 11:06 PM
Thank Becky!! And i definitely will keep you a posted!!

Sounds like surgery Monday for him...
He needs a second ultrasound tomorrow morning.
Just thought i'd update <3

El Lukio
02-11-2014, 12:45 AM
Much love and luck for you all x

Terre Nova
02-11-2014, 12:59 AM
Much love and luck for you all x

Thank you :)

Terre Nova
02-11-2014, 01:49 AM
Keeping an eye out on this thread for news of you and your son. Hugs.

Thanks hun! I will report tomorrow! :)

Lord Jazzinho
02-11-2014, 02:05 AM
Much love and luck for you all x

El Lukio hows it going with the goals?

El Lukio
02-11-2014, 02:20 AM
El Lukio hows it going with the goals?

Hey Jazz...yeah Ok thanks. I have stopped Googling (although I have cheated and put 'anxiety' before the search!) and I've stopped being so OCD about checking myself continually. I've tried to stay off the scales which had had varying success but I'm not on them several times a day like I was.

I am seeing my GP tonight after finally plucking up the courage to go as well.

So there are some positive steps in the right direction I feel.

El Lukio
02-11-2014, 02:29 AM
Good for you El Lukio. Good luck at the docs today.

Thanks Frankie...I'm very nervous. Will post back here later once I've been.

Lord Jazzinho
02-12-2014, 01:29 AM
Hey Jazz...yeah Ok thanks. I have stopped Googling (although I have cheated and put 'anxiety' before the search!) and I've stopped being so OCD about checking myself continually. I've tried to stay off the scales which had had varying success but I'm not on them several times a day like I was.

I am seeing my GP tonight after finally plucking up the courage to go as well.

So there are some positive steps in the right direction I feel.

Theres no such thing as cheating when combating anxiety m8, there is just what works now and why doesn't work now. If thats working for you then good on ya m8!