View Full Version : I need someone's opinion.
02-07-2014, 07:29 PM
I’m Alyssa. I’m 20 years old. When I was about 11, I started having bad panic attacks. I was taken to a counselor who said I needed to be medicated. I went to a doctor and tried a few different medications before I was put on 40mg Prozac. I had been on 40mg Prozac for many years until about 4 months ago. My doctor decided I had been doing well for so long that we try 20mg. A week ago today I celebrated my 20th birthday party. I got very intoxicated. I woke up the next morning with my heart being out of my chest and no appetite. I assumed it was just a hang over and tried to continue on with me day. From that moment to this one I have been in panic mode. Not just panic attacks. This is an around the clock thing. Some of my symptoms are racing heart, can’t get a good breath, trembling legs, lack of appetite, thoughts about dying from diseases. I can’t sleep. If I try to doze off then my heart starts beating out of my chest. Sometimes I even start getting the chills. Eventually I will just get so exhausted that I fall out. But the one symptom that is really scaring me is being so exhausted all of the time. I feel like a zombie. Like things aren’t real. I went to the doctor on Wednesday. I did not tell her that I had gotten so drunk the Friday before. She told me that it seemed like my anxiety was back and she upped my dosage of Prozac back to 40mg. Can anyone out there tell me that I’m not dying? I’m really worried. I have to go back to the doctor in 2 weeks. But I need some peace of mind. Please tell me I’m not the only one out there with these symptoms. Maybe some tips on how to not feel so bad? Thanks in advance.
Terre Nova
02-07-2014, 08:47 PM
Im Alyssa. Im 20 years old. When I was about 11, I started having bad panic attacks. I was taken to a counselor who said I needed to be medicated. I went to a doctor and tried a few different medications before I was put on 40mg Prozac. I had been on 40mg Prozac for many years until about 4 months ago. My doctor decided I had been doing well for so long that we try 20mg. A week ago today I celebrated my 20th birthday party. I got very intoxicated. I woke up the next morning with my heart being out of my chest and no appetite. I assumed it was just a hang over and tried to continue on with me day. From that moment to this one I have been in panic mode. Not just panic attacks. This is an around the clock thing. Some of my symptoms are racing heart, cant get a good breath, trembling legs, lack of appetite, thoughts about dying from diseases. I cant sleep. If I try to doze off then my heart starts beating out of my chest. Sometimes I even start getting the chills. Eventually I will just get so exhausted that I fall out. But the one symptom that is really scaring me is being so exhausted all of the time. I feel like a zombie. Like things arent real. I went to the doctor on Wednesday. I did not tell her that I had gotten so drunk the Friday before. She told me that it seemed like my anxiety was back and she upped my dosage of Prozac back to 40mg. Can anyone out there tell me that Im not dying? Im really worried. I have to go back to the doctor in 2 weeks. But I need some peace of mind. Please tell me Im not the only one out there with these symptoms. Maybe some tips on how to not feel so bad? Thanks in advance.
I'm surprised your Dr did not give you a benzo to keep calm...
I have experienced everything you're feeling!
Especially shortness of breath!
You're hyperventilating, breathing to fast and your adrenaline is at an all time high..
This is a very common symptom with anxiety/panic...
You will be okay, you are getting enough air!
You just need to calm and slow your breaths..
In through your nose out through your mouth..
I suggest you go back to Dr and ask for some ativan or xanax to keep you calm while you're waiting for the meds to kick in again..
You are ok and these are just ugly symptoms of anxiety!
I hope i helped a bit <3
Keep us updated!
02-07-2014, 09:16 PM
I’m Alyssa. I’m 20 years old. When I was about 11, I started having bad panic attacks. I was taken to a counselor who said I needed to be medicated. I went to a doctor and tried a few different medications before I was put on 40mg Prozac. I had been on 40mg Prozac for many years until about 4 months ago. My doctor decided I had been doing well for so long that we try 20mg. A week ago today I celebrated my 20th birthday party. I got very intoxicated. I woke up the next morning with my heart being out of my chest and no appetite. I assumed it was just a hang over and tried to continue on with me day. From that moment to this one I have been in panic mode. Not just panic attacks. This is an around the clock thing. Some of my symptoms are racing heart, can’t get a good breath, trembling legs, lack of appetite, thoughts about dying from diseases. I can’t sleep. If I try to doze off then my heart starts beating out of my chest. Sometimes I even start getting the chills. Eventually I will just get so exhausted that I fall out. But the one symptom that is really scaring me is being so exhausted all of the time. I feel like a zombie. Like things aren’t real. I went to the doctor on Wednesday. I did not tell her that I had gotten so drunk the Friday before. She told me that it seemed like my anxiety was back and she upped my dosage of Prozac back to 40mg. Can anyone out there tell me that I’m not dying? I’m really worried. I have to go back to the doctor in 2 weeks. But I need some peace of mind. Please tell me I’m not the only one out there with these symptoms. Maybe some tips on how to not feel so bad? Thanks in advance.
You arent dying
it would be a shame because then you wouldn't have the opportunity to know me LOL
I could have stopped reading your post halfway through
I knew the ending cause it sounds like mine and lots of people here
If you have anxiety, you will tend to be tired, or exhausted, as you state
All your symptoms are right in line with many here
You aren't the first or the last to feel these things
Slow down a bit and get yourself thinking straight
Nothing at all is wrong with you but an overactive imagination
02-07-2014, 09:59 PM
My doctor doesn't really want me on much medicine. That's why she took me back down to 20mg. We argued to go back up. Currently I'm having another problem. I'm laying here trying to read and doze off but when I do my heart starts beating so hard. And I've noticed that it beats harder when I'm breathing in than when I'm breathing out. Am I just over thinking? What's going on here? And thanks for the replies, guys. Definitely appreciated.
02-08-2014, 09:56 AM
You are definitely overthinking your physical symptoms, but it's ok - anxiety is the culprit! When you're in the throws of anxiety, you become increasingly aware of every ache, every pain. I once had a huge anxiety attack that sounds just as you described yours: shaking uncontrollably, unbelievably exhausted, and my brain just wouldn't let me sleep.
You're not going crazy, this is 100% the anxiety. I agree with the other comments, that Xanax or Ativan would be good to have while the other med kicks in.
02-08-2014, 10:08 AM
I just hope my new dose starts working soon. I can't keep trying to go to the emergency room. It's only been 4 days on my new dose. I have to go back to my doctor on the 19th. I hope I make it until then. I love the support I get on this website. It's very comforting. Thank you guys.
dont let yourself go. i am pretty much like you. dont loose touch with yourself or reality.laugh as much as you can read aomething.running works so fine for me. your brain is just tired and wants some rest. i used to think milions of things which prevented me from sleeping. they are pruduct of anxiety. you are real yourself and not a zombie. and i am tling you this in pretty much a such state.but i dont doubt it anymore.
02-08-2014, 10:20 AM
My boyfriend's friends came over. And for like ten minutes I was okay. But I'm starting to feel tired again. And my heart is starting to race again. I don't know why I can't get it through my head that this anxiety. But I can't. I really believe it's something else.
02-08-2014, 10:24 AM
Something my therapist told me to try was telling myself about everything I see. Look around the room and start saying I am aware of the clock on the wall, I am aware of the picture on the wall...start describing all the things you see. Usually helped me.
02-08-2014, 11:23 AM
I agree with doublea. The reason I'll bet you felt a little better when your friends came over was because they momentarily distracted you from the anxiety. That is what we must do to retrain our brains. 1) Acknowledge the anxiety is present. 2) Self talk: these thoughts are irrational, this is just the anxiety. 3) Like doublea suggested, bring yourself back to reality by thinking about the things you see around you.
02-08-2014, 11:32 AM
I have to agree with Forwells on his comment too... You absolutely cannot cut a med by 50% and not expect these results. Maybe a new doctor is in order?
02-08-2014, 11:36 AM
How long do you think it'll take for my medicine to start working again? I started taking 40mg again 4 days ago and I haven't seen any difference.
02-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Unfortunately I'm not entirely sure. Every person reacts differently to meds, and all meds work differently.
02-08-2014, 11:45 AM
You don't think me drinking a week ago messed something up in my head or my heart do you? I feel like that's why I need to go get looked at again. Because I did not tell my doctor that I drank heavily the night before all of this started. My mom seems to think that my hangover was why I started panicking and it just grew from there since I've been on half my Prozac dose for a few months now. What do you think?
02-08-2014, 12:08 PM
These meds effect the brain and alcohol effects the brain also .
The meds take along time to work and a long time to adjust when coming out of . This is not to say that you wont feel better in a week but that for the full effect might take 12 months .
Yes the drinking may not have helped something and this in turn triggered something and places you where you are today .
I personally have never been able to drink as i seem to feel it way more than i should .
Going back on should take a week or two and you will start to feel a bit better . But the one thing you have to stop telling yourself is that you are causing this . This is nothing more than your brain correcting iself and you need to let it do that .
Treat it like the flu and just rest and take it as easy as you can and let the meds do their job .
If you do want to stop again , then the recommend dose is 10% at a time . Most doctors have it so wrong , down dosage should be slow and long to give the brain time to adjust . You been on them a long time and there is no race to be off them .
boom! ^^^^^^ POW!!!
Stop "replaying" how the hangover felt in your mind....and don't ever repeat it.
You may also just be (dehydrated) as alcohol will do that will caffeine if you drink sodas..
02-08-2014, 12:10 PM
It only scares me because these symptoms could be symptoms of something very serious. And I keep thinking I need to go to a hospital to make sure I don't have cancer or some weird disease. I can't seem to get these thoughts out of my head. The day before I drank so heavily everything was perfectly normal. Then the morning after I woke up and I've been like this since then.
02-08-2014, 12:19 PM
Going out and having too much to drink one night does not cause cancer in 20-year-olds. Forwells has given you accurate information. Alcohol isn't doing you any favors, so I'd steer clear of it. Hope you're feeling better soon.
02-08-2014, 12:23 PM
I don't think I'l ever drink again if I survive this mess. I really doubt I will make it through most of the time. I know I'm being repetitive. But I can't seem to kick these thoughts. I'm afraid I'm completely consumed. Do I need to be in a mental institution?
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