View Full Version : Stupid question?

02-07-2014, 05:58 PM
K I hate to sound clueless but what is trolling?

02-07-2014, 06:04 PM
People on the Internet that mostly post anonymous, nasty comments.

02-07-2014, 06:11 PM
belittling the people, bullying,,, making their life a living hell. Cyber space is not a place with mercy

02-07-2014, 06:42 PM
Oh ok thank you

02-07-2014, 06:53 PM
*Don't feed the trolls* :p

Aka: don't let it get to you or fight back. Silence is troll kryptonite.

02-07-2014, 09:18 PM
K I hate to sound clueless but what is trolling?

Trolling is more like fucking with people just for the fun of it. It's about getting a reaction out of someone being really serious and thinks you're serious, too. That's why they get so mad. The troller is just laughing while the troll-ee is reallyyyyyyyy pissed off. You just get under their skin and cause chaos. I'm not gonna lie...It's fun to troll. It's not really about purely 'insulting' people...it's just about toying with them.