View Full Version : Yep...

02-07-2014, 02:00 PM
So as to be expected last night was just a mess, I was a mess... Couldn't stop crying, couldn't breath etc... But I got to sleep.. Only to wake every hour for 3 hours then full blown panic at about 4:30... I decided to take a drive went and watched the sun rise and shit... But gosh first panic attack in 2 months... Im lost, I don't know who I am, want I want, if I've made a mistake, if I can love again, what do I do now, what should I plan for the future.. Everything has gone to shit.. I'm a fuckin mess and I don't know what to do :'(

02-07-2014, 02:09 PM
It's just a bump in the rough road of life Ambergbbenngmgaa.! I think we've all been here at some point and you will make it through this just like we all did too..just relax, sit down with pen and paper, and write whatever comes to mind. Good, bad, maybe, pos, neg, whatever....focus on where you're going in the next hour, not the nest year.


02-07-2014, 02:25 PM
What happened?

02-07-2014, 03:19 PM
Amber - you are super stressed now so don't try and find an answer to all the questions you ask

When you calm a bit, then work on figuring your way

In fact, once your calmed, the answers will probably just flow to you

Try to see some good in finally getting to the point you are

Now that you are here, you will really need to search yourself for what is most important to you

We are here whenever you want to chat or vent

Sorry you are going through this

02-07-2014, 05:43 PM
Thank you guys, so sorry about everything. This must seem like a tv drama right now... It's just a big fucked up situation. I don't have time to decide what I'm doing with him.. It's now or never... You guys have been great! much appreciated in my time of need x

02-07-2014, 06:15 PM
Nixon how come you are so smart:))>
Amber I think the same as Frankie and Nixon; calm down first, let the emotions cool and you have what? about at least 70 years to do whatever you want to do. Calm, first, calm and then decisions.