View Full Version : Distraction methods

02-07-2014, 08:28 AM
Many thoughts have went through my mind since all this anxiety began. Thoughts that I couldn't explain because the are so bizarre. I have decided the best way for me to get through this hell for myself....is to pray, and pretty much get to the point where I'm mad and fed up with the way my life has been consumed by this turmoil. Once these anxious worrisome thoughts of health issues, heart fears, palps, etc etc etc enter my mind, I try to distract myself from feeding on them. Once they enter my mind I feel paralyzed with feeling I must dwell on them. This only makes it worse for me. I need to retrain my thought process. I'm sick of using every waking moment wondering when I'm going to die . This is no way to live . Can anyone shed some helpful advise here? Thank you

02-07-2014, 08:57 AM
Blessed, I think you are heading in a fantastic direction! Being fed up and determined to change your thought patterns is a huge achievement because that takes COURAGE. It means you've realized you value your life and you're not gonna let this crap ruin it! I don't know much about your history... do you see a therapist or engage in any other behavior to help? One technique I use when negative thoughts enter my head is I yell back at them (in my head of course). I start with "STOP. Stop it now. These are just anxious thoughts and they don't mean anything. Don't give them the satisfaction of dwelling on them. STOP. Let's think of something else or focus on the task I'm doing..."

02-07-2014, 09:14 AM
I am with Stp on it. Now my advice is to pick up some hobbies. This is my way of managing the distraction.
I always was full of projects and ideas, the last hobbies , i love it and have so much fan with it ; making creams and lotions, and soaps, go green in house so making detergent, cleaning solutions and much more.
I picked up the bread baking which is very satisfying and you do not stuff your body with chemicals in it. I read books, also, my saviors the books. Now is cold and snowing so gardening is out of question , but I am already planing what I will plant. Distraction is a tool in controlling the panic attacks and anxiety.... and relaxation help too. Like this one

Jon Kabit-Zinn (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8q5CA_htK_s) excellent, I am listening it the second time.

meditation with the lector

meditate (http://www.fragrantheart.com/cms/free-audio-meditations)

download it to computer and listen (https://www.dropbox.com/s/wyk54yatuqcaxxf/2-01%20Visualisation%20-Deep%20Relaxation%20Exercise.mp3) it is 24 minutes relaxation by Charles Linden... I am using it also.

book, easy book (http://www.urbandharma.org/pdf2/Mindfulness%20in%20Plain%20English%20Book%20Previe w.pdf)

Please Blessed give yourself a chance and at list check the links, please.

text in blue letters are links i put here for you:))

02-07-2014, 09:42 AM
Many thoughts have went through my mind since all this anxiety began. Thoughts that I couldn't explain because the are so bizarre. I have decided the best way for me to get through this hell for myself....is to pray, and pretty much get to the point where I'm mad and fed up with the way my life has been consumed by this turmoil. Once these anxious worrisome thoughts of health issues, heart fears, palps, etc etc etc enter my mind, I try to distract myself from feeding on them. Once they enter my mind I feel paralyzed with feeling I must dwell on them. This only makes it worse for me. I need to retrain my thought process. I'm sick of using every waking moment wondering when I'm going to die . This is no way to live . Can anyone shed some helpful advise here? Thank you

Blessed - congrats on going from only being scared to really pissed off

Once you get to the point where you are is when things start to come in chunks for the better

This is a great thing to hear

02-07-2014, 12:18 PM
Thank you I have been trying so hard not to feel defeated by all these mind games. It's scary how much power our minds can have over our physical body if you let it. I don't feel like God is happy with my being so doubtful fearful worried and scared all the time. The linden method has been an amazing help as well. I want to live my life to the fullest and wake up in the mornings feeling blessed that I'm able to share another beautiful day with my family instead of spending all day worried what's wrong with me now?!????!!! Thank you all for your support!

02-07-2014, 12:29 PM
Thank you I have been trying so hard not to feel defeated by all these mind games. It's scary how much power our minds can have over our physical body if you let it. I don't feel like God is happy with my being so doubtful fearful worried and scared all the time. The linden method has been an amazing help as well. I want to live my life to the fullest and wake up in the mornings feeling blessed that I'm able to share another beautiful day with my family instead of spending all day worried what's wrong with me now?!????!!! Thank you all for your support!

Just another note, Blessed

Remember it's not scary how much our minds can have over our physical body, it's AMAZING how much out minds have over our physical body!

Use the amazing power of your mind to do exactly what the scary part was doing

Just choose the good guy over the bad guy

And God (Sorry Ponder) is not unhappy with you

He has BLESSED you with a road to you helping yourself

Get it? Like he blessed you and your name is Blessed?

Ok, no one probably needed me to explain that

02-07-2014, 05:51 PM
Thank you all so much!!!! One day at a time :)

02-07-2014, 10:26 PM