View Full Version : oh.. im having a attack right now

03-03-2008, 06:17 PM
Omg.. this really sucks!

heavy breathing, tinkling in my cheek/neck, feeling dizzy, feeling like my heart has stopped beating....

Why do we have this? What reason do my body have to feel like this?
I dont understand..

i feel like im going to faint.. god damn this..

03-03-2008, 09:48 PM
You're okay. Only think about your breathing. Breath in, Breath out. This too shall pass. You're not going to die, You'll be perfectly okay. Breath in, Breath out.

03-04-2008, 06:17 AM
thanks man.. I allmost fainted when i wrote the last word. So i went straight to bed. And had an attack for 30 min before i went to sleep.
Havent had attacks in 2 months so it was really dissapointing!!!!
Oh well.. guess this is the norm..

Thanks for the support!

03-04-2008, 04:09 PM
thanks man.. I allmost fainted when i wrote the last word. So i went straight to bed. And had an attack for 30 min before i went to sleep.
Havent had attacks in 2 months so it was really dissapointing!!!!
Oh well.. guess this is the norm..

Thanks for the support!


Any idea of what might have triggered it? Maybe you figure that out and avoid it happening again :)

Good luck!

03-05-2008, 06:48 AM
I have really been trying to find out for 6 months now. But there is no typical pattern. On this attack, i was watching tv and talking to an old friend on msn. And gradually in 3-4 hours i felt worse. More dizzy, more nausious etc.
But if i do the same thing tonight - i wont have attack. So its confusing hehe