View Full Version : "Discomfort" food?

02-07-2014, 06:29 AM
It seems that every time and no matter what I eat, it always sends me into a fit of panic. I feel that this is very strange.
It could be anything such as a tasty salad or a pizza and the result is the same. I get nervous and antsy. I'm worried because it's made me eat less and I've lost 20lbs in almost two weeks. Does anyone know or have a clue what could help me or what's going on?

El Lukio
02-07-2014, 02:35 PM
It seems that every time and no matter what I eat, it always sends me into a fit of panic. I feel that this is very strange. It could be anything such as a tasty salad or a pizza and the result is the same. I get nervous and antsy. I'm worried because it's made me eat less and I've lost 20lbs in almost two weeks. Does anyone know or have a clue what could help me or what's going on?

Hey Bo I can relate to how you feel. I'm constantly weighing myself checking for variation. I then have to convince myself I'm hungry which makes me more anxious and subsequently less hungry. I almost have to force me self to eat and mealtimes have now become a fearful thing. It's just another face of anxiety and one I'd wish would go away. It's well documented that anxiety and appetite/weight loss/gain issues go together. The mere fact you get so anxious when eating is probably burning loads of calories in stress.

02-07-2014, 03:19 PM
That shed so much light, Lukio. I think that's it too. I ate just three chicken strips and I don't know. The world seemed to stop. It felt like the food went to my wrists, strangely. As I said, I didn't know, but it was awful. Thanks, though :)

02-07-2014, 03:30 PM
That shed so much light, Lukio. I think that's it too. I ate just three chicken strips and I don't know. The world seemed to stop. It felt like the food went to my wrists, strangely. As I said, I didn't know, but it was awful. Thanks, though :)

I'm guessing it has something to do with blood sugar levels. If I eat carbs or sugar without protein or fat to go with it, I get dizzy, anxious, antsy, and sometimes a panic attack. You're saying it happens regardless of what you eat but try eating lots of protein (or fat) before you eat any carbs for a few days and see if there's a difference. Once the adrenaline starts coursing through our veins from carby foods, it takes a while to work it's way out.

02-07-2014, 04:21 PM
I agree with above and answer. and, hunger/low blood surgar does release some hormones which make us anxious, and when you're at a time when your anxiety is already super high, it makes it worse. Is it the food itself bothering you, or how it digests? Some foods make you gassy, cause your stomach to be upset, upset stomach makes anxiety worse too.

My doctor suggests drinking water before meals, perhaps if you felt a little filled up with some water, then your hunger anxiety won't be quite so bad as you get ready to eat some dinner.

Hunger is a total asshole for anxiety suffers (next to bad sleep patterns) *knows this well* When I reflect back on some major panic attacks I've had, hunger seemed to have set off nearly all of them. Not that hunger itself "causes" the anxiety you have, but it exacerbates it, and unleashes it...

02-07-2014, 05:06 PM
I'm asking my doctor about my blood sugar on Monday when I have an appointment.
It does make me gassy. It seems that burping saves my life after I eat. It really does. I burp so damned much after I eat, it grosses me out even.
I make sure to drink while I eat, but not before. I'll try drinking before.
As for sleep, you and I both.

02-07-2014, 05:18 PM
Guys, I tried snacking on a few potato chips and I instantly felt bad. Tingly in my hands and fingertips. It's concerning me. Do I have low blood sugar?
Dusting said protein is good, should I get a protein shake and make some eggs?

02-07-2014, 05:22 PM
Guys, I tried snacking on a few potato chips and I instantly felt bad. Tingly in my hands and fingertips. It's concerning me. Do I have low blood sugar? Dusting said protein is good, should I get a protein shake and make some eggs?

I would see what your doctor says after the weekend.

I agree with El Lukio, it is quite possible that it is both the physical action and thought process linked to eating that triggers the cycle.

02-07-2014, 06:31 PM
Guys, I tried snacking on a few potato chips and I instantly felt bad. Tingly in my hands and fingertips. It's concerning me. Do I have low blood sugar?
Dusting said protein is good, should I get a protein shake and make some eggs?

Protein (eggs) would help with your near future eating, but it won't undo what the potato chips did. It spiked your blood sugar up, so your pancreas dumped a bunch of insulin into your system to bring the blood sugar down, so you went too high and then quickly too low (or at least that's what happens to me as a reactive hypoglycemic). I make sure I start each day with a lot of protein and then I can handle some"bad" foods for a few hours. Proteins and fats process slowly, whereas carbs process quickly, so you need something in there to keep the process slow and steady. Definitely ask your doctor what he thinks... I'm just going off what my nutritionist told me. When I was suffering with this badly a few years ago he told me to swallow a tablespoon or two of olive oil a few times a day. It keeps a constant level of fat in your system so the carbs can't cause your body to react so quickly.

02-07-2014, 07:13 PM
Okay, I need to eat something. I'll have an egg. I've gone a while without a bite (of actual food).
Other than that, I don't know. I don't see the doctor until Monday and I don't have a clue what I can and cannot eat until then.
We can't afford to get any groceries that would suit my needs too, so I can't get any olive oil.
Am I over-thinking this too much? Or am I freaking over nothing? I'm just so confused, guys.

02-07-2014, 10:50 PM
Relax..... eating the wrong thing isn't going to do you any permanent harm. Just realize that if you feel symptoms of adrenaline after eating (mine usually hits about 20 minutes later) it's just insulin / adrenaline and it will pass - it won't hurt you, just try to realize it will be over shortly and try not to get worked up about it. You don't need to buy expensive food, just try to eat healthy stuff with fiber and protein.

02-07-2014, 11:07 PM
I have a lot of the same issues after I eat. The belching is probably due to excess gas formed by an empty stomach. I know I wait too long between eating when I should eat small snacks throughout the day.

02-07-2014, 11:14 PM
...and keep drinking the fluoride too :)

02-08-2014, 06:17 AM
...and keep drinking the fluoride too :)
He made a point, I do not touch the tap water for years.
Potato chips make me sick, I hate it. try to eat normal food, quit on eating white bread, and processed foods, You need to do blood tests.

BtW your gut bacteria is imbalanced...it causes the burping and gas,

02-08-2014, 06:29 AM
Eat small amounts of food many times daily, instead of three bigger meals. This will keep your blood sugar regulated more at this time. Get some magnesium chloride at wal-mart (name is slo-mag, $9.88) take one first thing in day (empty stomach), and get some L-glutamine Wal-Mart ($6.94), take 1 tablet 1,000 mg in the morning as well. Pm me if needed. Peace

02-08-2014, 08:21 AM
Thank you everyone! I was worried, but I feel better now.
I'll cook up an egg and whole grains maybe? Oatmeal and whole grain bread. Any thoughts?

02-08-2014, 10:36 AM
Thank you everyone! I was worried, but I feel better now.
I'll cook up an egg and whole grains maybe? Oatmeal and whole grain bread. Any thoughts?

I hate to burst your bubble because whole grain bread and oatmeal probably sounds like healthy foods, but oatmeal is one of the WORST foods for me. If it's the pre-packaged instant oatmeal, it's full of sugar and processed grains and the sugar and carb content is VERY high. I was eating that every morning at the office and about 15 minutes later I would get dizzy, shaky, and panicky. Once I stopped eating the oatmeal it didn't happen anymore. Throwing all those carbs and sugar into an empty stomach made me sick very quickly.

Good luck - it sounds challenging in the beginning but once you figure out what bothers you and what doesn't it will get easier.

02-08-2014, 11:39 AM
Okay! Thankfully I didn't make any. I appreciate everyone helping me out. Thank you all!

02-08-2014, 12:53 PM
When you need something to eat but don't know what to grab, think nuts, eggs, or cheese. FYI - fruit is horrible for me, which is a heartbreaker because I love fruit. The only one I found that I can eat is cantaloupe.

02-08-2014, 02:40 PM
Okay. Will do. I ate some pasta because I needed to eat something. It has been a few days since I have eaten.
I'll see about picking up some nuts 'n' stuff.