View Full Version : Please urgent help

02-06-2014, 11:17 PM
guys i dont know what is happening to me. i dont know what to believe anymore. everything i see seems fake, i doubt reality like it is something i am stuck in and cant get out of it. i have this feeling each minute of the day. i say to nyswlf what is this,how do things work,this seems so foreign to me and so on. dont know what to do i am so lost right now.

02-06-2014, 11:21 PM
Derealization - it's a common anxiety symptom. The mind retreats from reality somewhat during times of high stress. It's unnerving but you have to keep yourself busy. Don't fixate on the negativity of the sensation and how strange it is. Do your best to press on through the day, focus on the good and it will subside given time.


02-06-2014, 11:28 PM
Hang in there, Cimi! We've all been there. You need to find a different focus; something other than that which you believe is reality. It's a trick of the mind...work through it.

02-06-2014, 11:37 PM
thanks guys.it is so damn hard i think i am loosing this fight. god it all started with a stupid idea about dobting myself and reality and look where it got me.i have an obsesed mind.it is the same feeling i had when it all started but somehow seems stronger now. i am afraid i will go crazy :(.

02-07-2014, 12:03 AM
i keep wondering is this a psychosis, am i schizo or what is going on.i have this idea all the time that everything i see its strange and weird and i do mean all the time.help please doctors are idiots in my country, you guys may know more than they do.

02-07-2014, 12:31 AM
I've only mildly experienced derealization, Cimi. I wish I had more knowledge about it to be able to help you. That sounds very unsettling and you have my sympathy. What Raggamuffin and Joe Cool said sound pretty accurate. You aren't going crazy, just like with any other anxiety symptom. Just remember this is one on a list of many potential symptoms and they all pass. You can get through any of them no matter how tough it seems. Hopefully people with more experience with derealization will post ways they've dealt with and overcome it. One thing I do know...this is temporary. It will pass. You haven't reached some point of no return, just as with any anxiety symptom. It's just your tired mind being fueled by worry. Try to let it rest by refocusing with meditation or something calming or reassuring.

02-07-2014, 12:43 AM
I've only mildly experienced derealization, Cimi. I wish I had more knowledge about it to be able to help you. That sounds very unsettling and you have my sympathy. What Raggamuffin and Joe Cool said sound pretty accurate. You aren't going crazy, just like with any other anxiety symptom. Just remember this is one on a list of many potential symptoms and they all pass. You can get through any of them no matter how tough it seems. Hopefully people with more experience with derealization will post ways they've dealt with and overcome it. One thing I do know...this is temporary. It will pass. You haven't reached some point of no return, just as with any anxiety symptom. It's just your tired mind being fueled by worry. Try to let it rest by refocusing with meditation or something calming or reassuring.

i can get through the day but worst parts are when i wake up at night.it is so horrible.at least i dont panic anymore and anxiety seems to be there but doesnt come up in the surface coz i take meds. i just wish i had reaasurance in me. i find it very comfortable when i touch things, listen or smell. seems like my problem is a vision sense one.coz i doubt things i see not what i touch or smell. i seem to be ok when there is light or when someone is around. specially when i talk i dont think of that. but all of the sudden it comes.as it is a vision thing and we see all the time. all started when i got a blurred vision sucks guya sucks. sometimes i feel like i am forgeting what is like to be normal :(

02-07-2014, 12:56 AM
Well you certainly don't sound psychotic or schizophrenic. As I said, this just sounds like one of a whole host of symptoms each o us could experience. The fact that you feel better when someone's around or you can talk about it pretty much confirms that. I think we all worry about forgetting what "normal" feels like, especially if you deal with some symptom for a while, regardless of what that symptom may be. Just try to accept it for what it is (anxiety symptom), float past it by acknowledging it but carrying on and paying it as little attention as possible and let some time pass. The more you do that without getting antsy and worrying you're "losing it", the sooner it will stop cropping up. Don't let it consume you with constant worry. Remember that you're in no danger.

02-07-2014, 01:04 AM
Well you certainly don't sound psychotic or schizophrenic. As I said, this just sounds like one of a whole host of symptoms each o us could experience. The fact that you feel better when someone's around or you can talk about it pretty much confirms that. I think we all worry about forgetting what "normal" feels like, especially if you deal with some symptom for a while, regardless of what that symptom may be. Just try to accept it for what it is (anxiety symptom), float past it by acknowledging it but carrying on and paying it as little attention as possible and let some time pass. The more you do that without getting antsy and worrying you're "losing it", the sooner it will stop cropping up. Don't let it consume you with constant worry. Remember that you're in no danger.

thank you so much.it is such a relief for me to know i am not schizo or psychotic. god you took a huge burden out of me. truth is a am a coward and i worry too much. this damn country of mine doesnt have proper doctors and my doc never told me what i had. it is easier when you know what is going on. thank you so so much and bless you. this forum has helped me so much. i must study now so we will be in touch. :)))))

Myles Jeffries
02-07-2014, 02:56 AM
You definitely need to change your point if focus, because everything you're feeling isn't true! It's your brain playing tricks on you and perceiving things incorrectly. Definitely try to find a good way to keep your mind busy. Personally I love to run. I recently picked it up and I'm addicted. While I'm running I'm blasting my favorite songs and nothing else matters. It's such a great feeling. Also maybe try meditation. I read the meditation for dummies book and it really has some good advice. You can really use it to focus on your anxiety and make it disappear. Of course nothing will happen overnight but it all starts with a single step. Remember that we're all here for you!