View Full Version : I am back

02-06-2014, 05:32 PM
Hi everyone

I have been off here for a while as my therapist said it was contributing to my anxiety!!

So I took her advice and she was wrong the anxiety has been worse than ever just been sitting in my own little bubble thinking of heart attacks and such!!

Then it came to me that before therapy and meds this is where I found my release I could come on here and give advice or just read posts to realise I was not alone.

How is everyone?

02-06-2014, 06:06 PM
Hi, Gemma, I've been wondering where you went.. Sometimes--not to speak bad about your therapist--but sometimes, they don't always know what's right because they aren't the ones living with it like we are.

But glad to have you back. I'm glad this forum is helpful to you :)

02-06-2014, 06:16 PM
Hey welcome back!

My therapists sucked. Yours sucks

Starting to get the feeling that this forum is more helpful than any therapist

02-06-2014, 06:21 PM
Hey Gemma! Welcome back!!!!

02-07-2014, 01:02 AM
Thanks everyone

I am glad to be back I have felt awful and today I feel good

I have took a step back from therapy as I felt it was repetitive and kept going back to the start and making me think about when I had no control over it, when I was loosing the battle but now I am not i know how to smack those thoughts away and I felt that I should be being praised for how far I had come but instead she kept going back to how I was at the start and I was coming out feeling all tense so I decided not to go back unless I need to

I hope it was the right decision

02-07-2014, 02:50 AM
My personal experience is that since joining the forum I do believe I am more aware and anxious. I was for years however just humming on a low anxiety frequency of sorts but I never did anything, went anywhere, was basically flat and avoidant entirely. I kept it at a simmer, not a boil.

Now I'm extremely anxious all the time, my mood is up and down like a yo-yo since joining. I'm ok with that though. At least I'm feeling something. The forum has me motivated to try get my life back. Of course it will come at a cost. I can't expose myself to it all without the feelings of anxiety. It will hopefully be worth it. At this time I think it's better to be anxious with support than in denial, alone.

Glad you're back Gemma.

That post is from a very wise woman..and it made me laugh too. You're extremely anxious because you're making progress, and it's addictive and scary all at the same time. I like sitting back watching this happen...:D

Welcome Back Gemma!!

There are some good therapists out there, you just have to find them...

E-Man.. :)