View Full Version : Should I have acknowledged this girl?

Kyle Morgan
02-06-2014, 05:12 PM
I seen her today in my College and I just felt pathetic, I seen her going into the College entrance with two random guys, and as soon as she seen me she started to grab both of the guy's arms and tried holding their hands. she was whispering to them both and I caught her smirking at me from her corner of her eye. I said hi politely and smiled and she just giggled, barely looked at me and just muttered under her breath, and she seemed like she was walking where ever I was walking for 5 minutes. I think she's trying to antagonise me.I just found it weird because before she seen me she weren't even holding the two guy's hands lol. If nobody knows about the girl I'm talking about, it's the girl who I mention in this link


It's annoying me because I'm trying to forget about her and I can't and I want to because her personality is nasty.

02-06-2014, 05:26 PM
You were polite, you did your duty. What you may be asking if I read into is should you think she's liking you or playing a game with you. That answer would be NO I have no way of saying that would be true, nor do you. I'm gonna be blunt Kyle, leave your mind in the right direction it wants to go, how much more do you think you must put up with "thinking" about her, your responses, and what everyone thinks about her, you, and this game?

In one hundred years from now dude you will not give two shits about any of this, start today! You're cool, and you're getting some grand and I mean top of the line friends here, do not let that go un-noticed. It's a LOT, and it is yours now. Quit interfering with life, or it will live you, instead live your life, and care less what others think. Enjoy it, it's your birthright. Peace Bro
NO NO NO forget her and her antics if they are antics, and see it as it is, YOU. Your perception, concentrate on being free in your mind, then all things fall into place.

You asked me to respond to this, I did.

02-06-2014, 06:12 PM
Its time to let this one go

I get the history and I get how you don't understand what happened

She doesn't owe you an answer and for whatever reason, she has decided that the two of you aren't going to be best buds

And that is her choice and that is fine

Stop worrying so much about why and just move on

This stuff happens all the time and you surely will experience it again

But that is how being young works

People find themselves the way they want to be and they don;t need our approval to follow that choice

Regardless how it makes us feel

get your focus on a positive relationship instead of one that seems to have ended

You dont need that nonsense

No one does