View Full Version : Feelings of anxiety/depression (student)

02-06-2014, 03:35 PM

I'm new here, this is my first post.
Does anyone have any coping methods with periods of anxiety or depression? I feel so home sick whilst at uni (third year), and I've just moved into a new flat with 9 girls that I'm slowly getting to know (I split up with my boyfriend and moved into a student house).

I just feel that since I can remember I've never really been able to connect with people the way that everyone else does. It feels hard to admit it but there is always a barrier or I feel like there's something wrong with me. Some days I'll feel fine and want to socialise, but other times, like now, I'll hide away in my room hoping that no one will knock on my door.

I've been struggling for so long with social anxiety, psychiatrists have never really worked and I don't really have many people to talk to about this :/ It does feel like a relief typing this out though.

Thank you

02-06-2014, 10:15 PM
Hi Carina - you have a beautiful name, can I just say X3

It's perfectly normal to feel homesick, and also normal to feel particularly bad with all the chaos that's going on in your life at the moment. Even if psychiatrists don't seem to work for you, I can really recommend that you talk to any counsellor or therapist at your uni, if you have one. They should be able to help you deal with how it's affecting your life, and it'll be in a different way to the techniques of psychiatrists. Have you tried psychologists as well? They deal with things quite differently, I find~ I feel that to deal with what you see as a problem connecting with people, you need to see someone with professional expertise. But it's up to you ^_^

Aside from that, are you keeping in touch with your family regularly? Unless you aren't on great terms with your parents, keeping in regular contact with your parents can be reassuring and comforting. Don't feel guilty about talking to them when things get hard - don't be too negative to them, try and stay positive, BUT don't be afraid to say things are getting tough. They will want the best for you and will try to help you however they can :)

It's okay to have good days and bad days with socialising. When you feel like you can't deal with people, try and indulge in individual activities like reading a good book, practising self-care, or watching your favourite movies. But if you notice yourself feeling like this for more than about 3 days, you need to try and push yourself to get outside and talk to some friends (they don't have to be close friends. It could also be an old friend, and you guys can catch up), or even just go to the mall or cinema or park by yourself and be somewhere else. If you really can't face going out, invite someone over, or talk to your housemates. Even if you don't feel like it, it's important to have contact with other people. And you'll feel great afterwards, if a little shaken/tired :P

Maybe telling your housemates about your anxiety could be good? It's up to you, but it may help them understand you better, and it might help bring you guys closer together.