View Full Version : It is not dp or dr it is just something else

02-06-2014, 01:02 AM
guys who think you suffer from dp dr including me. you are not going crazy. i have been reading some things over the web and i think we are suffering from an existential crisis. it does make sense, we always question ourselves, reality, our sorroundings, everything. question like what is life? what is death? how to define life? how to define me? are all over us. i read an article that said these things happen to people who have high potentials within and do not express that. i tend to believe that, we have a small break i our lives and we tend to see it as something that will destroy our success. my god this day has been a revelation for me. i feel much better after reading that article. with self help we can get through it. we should find the roots of ourselves. please share opinions. we must deal helping each other.