View Full Version : How on Earth do I stay positive!?

02-05-2014, 08:58 PM
I've been feeling sick and dirty, more dead than alive these last two weeks. Anxiety, physical sickness, and depression seem to be the norm now. I maybe only feel truly at ease for at least an hour a day so it's a surprise when I feel good. That should NOT be the case. It's sapping me of my hope and it's also taking away much needed sleep away.
How do you do it, guys? :(

02-05-2014, 09:40 PM
I've been feeling sick and dirty, more dead than alive these last two weeks. Anxiety, physical sickness, and depression seem to be the norm now. I maybe only feel truly at ease for at least an hour a day so it's a surprise when I feel good. That should NOT be the case. It's sapping me of my hope and it's also taking away much needed sleep away.
How do you do it, guys? :(

I knew a guy I was in Shawshank prison with and I told him " Get busy livin or get busy dyin"

Ok, that may not have been me

But you ask how do you do it?

By changing the perception of your thoughts

You can think all of the things that you do and think n the negative track

or you can have the same thoughts and treat them as harmless and dismiss them

02-05-2014, 10:11 PM
This is normal i feel like this like im just tired of the same of the same old thing like i cant even remember the last time i was Good for a hour or so i feel drained and i just feel fed up with this your not alone i hate not feeling myself anymore .. :( hopefully they'll be a brightside to all this

02-05-2014, 10:22 PM
same story here. woke up at night feeling terrible and doubting myself and life then i said hey dont give a f*** and sleep you have a lot to see and do tomorrow.

02-06-2014, 01:15 AM
It's hard, but you just have to find little things that put a smile on your face, and live for that, til things come back around again.

02-06-2014, 10:10 AM
Thanks, everyone! I like everything that you guys had to say. The last two days, I've actually been getting rest. I've had dreams even. I know I can get through this so I'll just have to make it day-by-day.

02-06-2014, 10:18 AM
I'm still feeling self-conscious of every square inch of my body, though. I'm having trouble shaking it.

02-06-2014, 12:16 PM
I understand that feeling of not being able to shake it off. The only way I make it through the day is by going into what I call 'survival mode.' I make detailed list of everything I should do the night before and stick to a manageable routine so I feel some self worth of getting things accomplished however small. I pat myself on the back for even getting out of bed in the morning. It's about the small victories.

02-06-2014, 09:30 PM
I like that list idea! I may start one tonight! :D

02-06-2014, 09:55 PM
It's REAL hard to stay positive for sure. But there's always a brighter side to life!! ,:):)

02-07-2014, 03:44 AM
Hello.. I've deal with panic and anxiety disorder. Im normally very outgoing and friendly but sometimes my general anxiety comes and goes.. When it comes I do become less outgoing and agoraphobic. I hate it. But I've learned some things that mostly help ... Not always.
1) meditation and breathing exercises. This really has saved me and I have tried different self meditation apps and found one I really like, which I've even fallen asleep to the odd time. Breathing --- taking deep steady breaths and focusing on that instead of the anxiety. These are mind over matter techniques.
2) the right medication and dosage.
3)I have scoured my App Store and reviews for games that help me relax ( which ill be doing soon because now I am up at 3:30am my time and I have work, my daughter has school and my 3 year old is often up before me or the same time and ready for the day. )
4) I try to tell myself that anxiety and panic don't define who I am and it's only a small part of me that I've accepted but try to tell myself one day it will be gone because I beat major depression and my PTSD psychotic episodes and most of my PTSD flashbacks. I've even been able to live my life with ADHD, find ways to live with it and accept it, but not use it as an excuse. I've had OCD since I can remember and have some still but it's more under control now.
If I can do that maybe I can control my anxiety and panic and hope one day it will be gone.
5) I accept bad and good days.
6) I have this forum if I'm up really late and need to vent or talk. I have a few friends and family I can talk to about it--- not many but even one tied trusted person is a good thing.
7) I've always been an optimist- yes when I get my attacks that part of me is hard to hold onto but I keep trying. I keep sayings in my phone that inspire me-- or you can write inspirational notes around your home.
8) have crisis numbers handy just in case.
9) see if you can find triggers and avoid them!
10) live healthy : eat healthy, exercise and take time out for you: do things you like- read, write, draw, paint, etc.

02-07-2014, 06:24 AM
I didn't get any sleep last night, but I feel okay this morning. I've already got my list made out of things I need to do.
As for the brighter side, I finally saw it! I sat on my couch all night (which is my bed) shrouded in a blanket in pitch blackness. I kept reassuring myself I was okay and I breathed deeply. The morning light was that brighter side, once I saw it and from then I knew it'd be okay.

02-07-2014, 06:26 AM
I like everything you had to say, Blondie. I was glad to find out that I do several of those things you recommended such as breathing exercises. Thank you!

02-07-2014, 10:24 AM
I agree with Blondieqtpie as well - love meditation. I'd like to add gratefulness. I know that sounds kinda mundane, but being grateful for everything helps lift you as well. If you can't find something in your life, be thankful for grass, the blue sky, sun when it comes out, the birds signing, your favorite coffee shop, french fries and chocolate. I get crazy and just start saying "I thankful for ______" and naming whatever I see, like pens, my shoes, the toaster - everything. Just puts you in another frame of mind :)

02-07-2014, 12:40 PM
I don't think it's mundane and I like that idea. I even did that too last night. I made a list of the things that were good in life and weighed them out next to my badness. The good easily outweighed the bad once they were on the scale together.