03-02-2008, 01:00 PM
oh my god i don't think i've ever been this afraid. For a while now I've had fear of a brain tumor or something and now I'm even more afraid. I was sitting in front of my computer playing a game and all of a sudden i got this intense buzzing in my head. it kind of made me feel light headed, so I started to freak out. I paced very heavily down the hall and it went away but I'm still freaking out. I get twitches from time to time on my arm and leg and stuff, and I've just been being a huge hypochondriac lately but I really think theres something wrong. Please someone tell me what this isn't serious. I took .25mg xanax last night too, so I dontk now if that's the side effects of it or anything. Please somebody reply fast I can't take this

03-02-2008, 03:20 PM
hi there!
con you explain the buzzing at all? like was it a noise or a sensation?
i think your fine! we all get weird symptoms from this anxiety and the trick is to try and get your stress responses down, just try to breath, and focus on that for a minute. you are going to be ok! :)

03-02-2008, 06:54 PM
it wasn't a sound, just a feeling that my skull was like vibrating, but its weird cuz as soon as i started to walk it went away. I'm just so scared. I mean like sometimes my temples will kinda "pulse", like the right side will kinda twitch, but if i rub it it goes away. I think it's just cuz of my anxiety and telling myself I'm going to have a stroke. I'm just a ball of worry =/

03-03-2008, 04:31 AM
Well a buzzing in your head isn't a symptom of brain tumor nor is it a warning sign for an impending stroke. This kind of sensation could be caused by stress and anxiety. Twitches in your arms and legs - or anywhere really - can also be caused by anxiety. A few years ago I had this weird ticking/pulsing sensation in the back-right side of my head. It would happen sporadically and it also caused me a lot of worry. I described it to a doctor and she said it was stress-related muscle tension. I got a massage and I haven't had that sensation since. I know your buzzing sensation is different from what I experienced but it is most likely also caused by stress and tension.

03-03-2008, 06:40 AM
Ohokay I really dont think you have to worry about a brain tumor.
Why are you even worrying about such thing?

Has dr hinted to you having a brain tumor?
Does brain tumors run in family?

Ohokay just try and relax, and put this thought out of your head.

Try and think positive! Its what is most important!

03-03-2008, 02:57 PM
thankyou all so much for the replys, and no my doctor hasnt said ANYTHING about something like this, i've just been a hypochondriac lately. About a month ago I thought I was going to have a heart attack at any given time. Thanks guys, it always really helps