View Full Version : Bad day

02-05-2014, 05:52 PM
Really feeling overwhelmed at work and like I just can't deal. I feel like a fraud who sucks at my job and someone is going to notice and fire me............

I don't want to.go in tomorrow and speak in front of everyone.

When do I know if it's anxiety or I just can't do it?

02-05-2014, 05:59 PM
It sounds like anxiety...I get the same feeling at my new job but I think it's the anxiety lying to us and telling us we don't know what we are doing. I let the anxiety lie to me so much I ended up leaving a job I actually got a lot of satisfaction from and now I have to live with that regret. If your job is something you enjoy, do you think it's worth fighting for?

02-05-2014, 06:25 PM
I do like it, not all parts like the speaking stuff. I feel like I do an important job and I would get a lot of satisfaction from it if I felt I did it well.

I do put some things off because they make me anxious and then I get anxious about someone finding out. I have a big visit/walk of my facility coming up and I don't even know if I can deal....

Really just feel stressed and anxious. I like being in the background more, but this job is where I've been headed to and I don't want to go backwards.