View Full Version : what can I do about this.

02-05-2014, 05:27 PM
Hello. Can you please share this anonymously

I am doing better with my anxiety. I have learned to control the physical symptoms and not be afraid of them. But my only issue now is the thoughts. I always fear something bad is going to happen. I always feel like a premonition type feeling that something bad will happen. It wakes me up at night and I feel it all throughout my body and I get afraid of how it makes me feel. It makes me feel so terrorized and fearful. Then the racing thoughts come. Also I find myself connecting back with the world and getting excited about things I used to be excited about but when I am relaxing or find myself getting excited it's like my mind 2nd guesses it and those thoughts come in like I shouldn't be this way...the anxious state I am in safer and better. Then I'll have thoughts amd fearful feeling like I need to stay in this worry state because the world is boring n unsafe and scary and then became of those thoughts I start getting depressed and scared of life. I also feel as if the thoughts are just lingering and won't let up. I am almost back up to surface but it's like my mind want to keep me where I am at in the worrying and suffering cycle. I feel like maybe I was so traumatized by the first panic attack that I need to deal with that because it left a lasting effect on me. Maybe my mind Is so adjusted to the anxious state that the transition to the normal state is scary for it? I feel as if I am getting me back, my old brain back and I feel as if my anxious brain is fighting tooth and nail to stay. I am also still hyper aware of my consciousness and existence being inside my body and having existential thoughts. But this has lessened quite a bit. It's mainly the fight against my own mind. Any suggestions? Thank you

02-05-2014, 07:11 PM
I been taking depression meds at night and my night panics dissapeared and my mind no longer races. I am on amitriptyline.

02-06-2014, 12:19 AM
i see myself in each of your words.it is scary and sometimes you loose faith.i take meds which really help me but those stupid exsistential questions are still there. just connect to reality do what ever pleases you but no too much tv porn and things that distract you.just be calm and enjoy the real life.sometimes.you will find it hard i know but keep up.real or not have fun right