View Full Version : I'm nervous going back to College

Kyle Morgan
02-05-2014, 02:48 PM
Howdy everyone, hope everyone on here is well and doing great. I have a bit of a problem, It's my first day back in College tomorrow since the Beginning of December. I've taken a few weeks off due to my Panic attacks and my depression being a lot worse. I'm nervous because I'm thinking that I might be getting a Panic attack because the College is so big. I'm also worried incase people ask where I have been and I don't really know what to say. I'm catching a Train tomorrow for the first time to College because I was no good on buses, I got terribly anxious and I had my first Panic attack on my bus. I'm no longer having lifts anymore from that Girl I told you about. I'm also getting stressed because I have quite a bit of work to catch on, due to all the stress I haven't been able to focus on the work because I haven't been able to function properly due to my Panic attacks, and also because I came so close to committing suicide not too long ago. It seems like I've forgotten everything from where I left off. I'm really nervous. Sorry everybody, but do you have any ideas?
The College is quite a bit away from my house, it takes about 45 minutes by car, and 90 minutes by bus due to all the stops. What can I do if people ask me, I don't so much if tutors ask because they know because my mother had told them everything. I'm also nervous incase I see that girl I've been on about, I just have this feeling that she's going to try and start an argument with me because of what my friend had said to her.

Kyle Morgan
02-05-2014, 03:09 PM
Does anyone at all have any suggestions

02-05-2014, 03:17 PM
I can give you some advice about the panic attacks. (Mine started on public buses also.)
If you have access to a Whole Foods or natural food store there's a natural remedy called Bach Flower stress relief. It comes in a little yellow spray bottle. I like how discreet it is. Anyways, I'm not sure if its placebo or what but its been what gives me immediate calming during a panic attack. And you can get addicted like with meds. Also, I recommend before you get into a stress inducing situation, do some cardio to get rid of lactic acid and literally exhaust yourself. It's more difficult to get anxious after exercise. Hope that helps a little bit with your panic attacks. Good luck in school! :)

Kyle Morgan
02-05-2014, 03:21 PM
I can give you some advice about the panic attacks. (Mine started on public buses also.)
If you have access to a Whole Foods or natural food store there's a natural remedy called Bach Flower stress relief. It comes in a little yellow spray bottle. I like how discreet it is. Anyways, I'm not sure if its placebo or what but its been what gives me immediate calming during a panic attack. And you can get addicted like with meds. Also, I recommend before you get into a stress inducing situation, do some cardio to get rid of lactic acid and literally exhaust yourself. It's more difficult to get anxious after exercise. Hope that helps a little bit with your panic attacks. Good luck in school! :)

I have done some exercise lately, I now go on bike rides every sunday for a couple of hours with my dad. We go up mountains which usually leaves me tired, however we've had bad weather which doesn't make it as enjoyable.

02-05-2014, 03:51 PM
Bike rides, good! Bad weather, no good.

I actually love the terrible weather here. Today it's 10degrees blizzard and we've gotten 3 ft of snow. I put on my snow gear and walked 4 miles total in it. It was so amazing! And the best way to completely clear my mind. I just went into survival mode and forgot about why I was depressed when I woke up.
Hope the weather clears up for you so you can get back to your exercise.