View Full Version : Eating anxiety...

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 04:10 AM
It seems over the last few weeks I'm developing an anxiety when it comes to eating. I get hungry and all that (although not as often as I used to I think) but it now seems I'm developing obsession about eating. This couples with my constant weighing myself.

It seems the more I focus on trying to feel hungry the less I feel hungry which in turn fuels my anxiety. Sometimes I think I'm only eating because I have to and when I'm actually eating I'm not enjoying it.

I'm going out for a meal with the wife tonight for a rare date night and I'm really worried that anxiety will zap my appetite. I've had breakfast today but I'm not planning on eating anything else until tonight in the hopes I will have an appetite. And I'm also worrying that as well as everything else, I'm starting to develop an eating disorder.

Damn my impure mind.

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 04:46 AM
Try not to put too much pressure on yourself. It is VERY common for appetite changes due to anxiety. I used to get stomach acid a lot when I was in the full throw of chronic anxiety. I used to worry that I would be sick if I ate anything (this was particularly problematic if eating out in public). Again "apply no pressure", it's probably the subconscious thoughts that you will screw up the date for your wife that's causing the stress. Try and enjoy the evening, just eat what you want/don't want to. Or order something small and manageable. Just keep in mind, the evening is about you and your wife, the food is simply an added extra.

Thanks James, you make a lot of sense as always. I think the key here is exactly what you point out - I'm putting pressure on myself unnecessarily. If I could just switch it off I would. I'm going to try and stay relaxed and excited about having a night off from the kids and enjoying my wife's company.

Thanks again dude :)

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 05:22 AM
Have you managed to get in touch with your local psyche well being team yet?

Yes. I plucked up the courage and booked a double-appointment with a GP at my practice who heads up their MH team. I'm in there on Tuesday next week after work.

And I'm shitting it.

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 05:45 AM
Cheers bro...I was on Propranolol last year which seemed to calm the anxiety so maybe back to them. I'm not adverse to meds - anything that will help I'm willing to give a whirl.

I think there are several facets to this - the anxiety is one and I think there some underlying depression as well which has spawned from the anxiety. Anyway, I'll stop self-diagnosing and let him do his job!

Hopefully Tuesday's appointment will start me on a path to dealing with this.

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 07:09 AM
May I suggest you start making bullet point notes for all the things that concern you and want to ask. Often on the day, you may forget something when taking in the extra info.

Thanks Frankie! You know, I was going to ask if I should make a list of all the things I need to talk to him about but didn't know if I'd look like a tool or not. I'll definitely do it - I'm likely to blurt it all out and chances are I'll forget to mention some of the fundamental things about the way I'm feeling.

Appreciate your support :)

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 11:22 AM
You can count on it, that is my support....not looking a tool lol :) I and many of us have done the bullet point thing often. I was advised here to not write a novel. Just simple points to aid our memory on the day. Let us know how you go if you please?

Of course, I'll post back here once I've been.

Thanks guys x

El Lukio
02-07-2014, 12:47 AM
How did the date night go? Did you have anything good to eat at the restaurant ?

After all my worries it went really well thanks James. I didn't eat all day and by the time we got there I'd worked up a massive appetite so managed to demolish 3 courses!

I had mussels (Moules Mariniere apparently) for the first time ever, a really nice cod steak on risotto and banana fritters for afters. It was really nice.

It was like the old times. Me and the wife had great conversation, made each other laugh hysterically and even decided on baby names! I felt a lot of anxiety melt away for the evening.

Suffice to say we'll do it again soon :)

02-07-2014, 08:27 AM
Awesome to hear El :) You've been taking magnesium, right? How has it been going?

El Lukio
02-07-2014, 02:30 PM
Awesome to hear El :) You've been taking magnesium, right? How has it been going?

Second day on magnesium and Vit B Complex so a bit early to say I think stp. I'll report back in a week on this :)

02-07-2014, 02:38 PM
Ah I see, for some reason I thought you had been on it longer than that :) I'm getting some blood work done Monday to see if I'm deficient in anything. Even if I'm not, I'll probably still try magnesium.

02-07-2014, 04:28 PM
Anxiety kills your appetite like nothing else! but, you still have to eat, even if you don't feel like it, or the consequences will be much greater later on.. have a peanut butter sandwich or something for lunch with milk, eat some veggies, and almonds (almonds are great for a filling snack), it will give you energy. I know how you feel about going out to eat, when my anxiety is bad, I just don't for the love of god want to go to a restaurant! I feel trapped, sitting at a table with family, having to eat when I can't enjoy my food due to my anxiety being through the roof..which, is sad, because I have always loved going to restaurants since I was a child. Anxiety ruins everything.. :(

02-07-2014, 05:19 PM
I've never tried eating anxiety 😁 it might help lol just kidding . I've had it though

El Lukio
02-08-2014, 02:24 AM
I've never tried eating anxiety dde01 it might help lol just kidding . I've had it though

Lol Frank...after I posted I realised how the title could be interpreted! Took a while for anyone to drop a wisecrack though so first prize goes to you!