View Full Version : Is there any advantage to using benzos for long term daily

02-05-2014, 04:10 AM
if you can do without them in most situations? Can benzos create any beneficial changes in brain if taken over a long time. I am aware that getting off of them would be a bitch. I am also aware that benzos can cause or exacerbate depression.

02-05-2014, 11:41 AM
Not directly, no.

The positive effects and good brain states they create are similar to alcohol, and just wear off.

I suppose taking them can calm your anxiety and therefore calm the reactivity going on in certain parts of your brain, as long as you worked through your anxieties.

But they don't have the effects antidepressants do, which are said to fix the so called chemical imbalance we might be suffering from.

They're just a survival mechanism really.

02-05-2014, 04:13 PM
The kind I have shut everything down, and I know them to have the same effect on a few other people, they don't do much for me except knock me out good.

but I found the times I've taken them to be psychologically cleansing in a way, it took probably 5 to 10 mins to set in before I got drowsy, during that drowsy time of my brain relaxng it reminds me, I'm still me, and I can still be happy, and feel normal..before it of course knocked me out for the night. :D

but I haven't touched mine in nearly 2 years, I've said before, I see them as a safety net..good having them there, just in case. but anxiety is meant to be dealt with through CBT, not really through drugs..that's the best way. Even with the antidepressants I take, I still get anxiety up the butt that I have to work through all the time. There is no magical pill that's gonna rid this away.

02-06-2014, 02:17 AM
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I am aware that benzos can cause rebound anxiety.