View Full Version : physical syptoms

03-02-2008, 12:38 AM
I will like to know if there is anyone that deals with anxiety which cripples their body. My whole body and mostly my legs freeze and when really anxious my walking gets extremely embarrassing, i loose touch with my feet. Does anyone else feel this, if so how do you overcome or handle it.

03-02-2008, 06:29 AM
Hey you

I also get a similar sensation, though when I panic I quite often concentrate MORE on the way I'm walking... which I think makes it look a bit weirder or whatever. It definitely feels that way.

When this happens, I just try my best to concentrate on where I'm going to. I just think 'ok, I'm going from Point A to Point B... and if it looks like I'm from the Ministry of Silly Walks then that's just fine.'

Crazy stuff, this anxiety, ain't it?


I will like to know if there is anyone that deals with anxiety which cripples their body. My whole body and mostly my legs freeze and when really anxious my walking gets extremely embarrassing, i loose touch with my feet. Does anyone else feel this, if so how do you overcome or handle it.