View Full Version : Anxiety over nothing?

02-04-2014, 11:54 PM
I'm sat here this morning and my Anxiety is Sky high!

I've got pretty much nothing to worry about that's serious but my Anxiety is working over time.

It's like your waiting to hear about some big news like if someone who is seriously I'll is going to be ok or if someone your in a relationship wants to break up etc but I don't have anything BIG to worry about.

The two minor things I'm experiencing is I've just had some keys cut for my house and they didn't work and was anxious about taking them back, was almost scared to and thought I'll just go somewhere else and get more cut, but I didn't I went back, he sorted them and now they are good.

So it's really small things that I worry about, they're nothing really but I'm wired of that's the way to explain it. Feeling really worried and anxious.. But over what??

02-05-2014, 12:04 AM
Well, that's the problem with GAD (generalized anxiety). There doesn't always have to be a specific big trigger or upcoming event to set it off. Maybe try meditating, reading or something to occupy your mind. I like to do progressive muscle relaxation when I get generally anxious for no good reason. There are lots of good guided videos on YouTube. Maybe listen to some soothing music and just kick back, just letting that soothe your mind. Soft jazz works well for me.

02-05-2014, 12:30 AM
There's always a reason for the anxiety, it is never over "Nothing" trust in that. But it does manifest itself in different ways..can be worries that are either big or small, the reason can be obvious or obscure depending.. You have sense of impending doom about something, and you don't know quite what at the moment. The frustrating thing about anxiety, as I said it can be obscure, that its not always clear what precisely is bugging you. It can help to "get in touch with your feelings" so to speak, by forcing yourself into a relaxing activity, because a relaxed mind is a clearer one.

Feel better soon.

02-05-2014, 12:31 AM
I've not specifically diagnosed with GAD.

I've been on 20mg Fluoxetine Daily since about 2008.

What sparked it was when my wife left me for someone she had been seeing.

I returned home from work on 22nd December 2007 to find the wedding ring, engagement ring and a note on the table explaining all this.

Long story short there was lots of ups and downs with the Divorce and then meeting new people and will it happen again etc.

Forward on to today and I'm with my Girlfriend of 3 1/2 years and our little boy who is 10 months old.

We have a pretty good life, family, freinds etc, no particular money worries as such but more is always good!

Since approximately around a year ago I started to feel good and thought hmmm lets kick these meds. I started going alternate days and felt miles better after a few weeks.

I'd been feeling good for ages. It was probably about 6 weeks ago everything seemed to hit me, nothing had changed in my life, but all the anxious feelings came back, feeling like wanting to cry but being immensely happy at the same time. The simplest thing would upset me and make me feel stressed out.

I've got no idea of what I'm suffering with as such, I just put it down to depression as that's what the doctor said back then.

I've had a few reviews over the years but you only get 10 mins with your doctor and typically the day you go in you feel fine and can't remember any bad feelings and they say "Oh well carry on for another 6 months and we'll see you again" but it's probably a year before I get to go back.

I have difficulty concentrating and making decisions. I've been trying to buy a new car for the last year or more, just can't seem to find one I like and I'm confident in buying.

Sorry for the long post.

Any feedback welcome :-)

02-05-2014, 12:41 AM
Sounds like you're in a meltdown period, something is bugging you in a big way, I'm also in a meltdown kind of period too, I can feel this way for months til it eases off again , right now I'm in a period where I'm having a lot of panic attacks again, there's been a lot of change going on, stress, worry about the future, indesions, hopeless feelings, grief..it sucks, and it has to just settle with time again.

These things do go away, unfortunately, not as quick as you'd like.

02-25-2014, 01:27 PM
I've come to the conclusion that I'm sharing more symptoms with Stress than Anxiety...