View Full Version : Battling health anxiety...the rollercoaster

02-04-2014, 11:25 PM
So I've been battling sinus issues off and on (mostly on) for the past 4 months. I was dealing ok for a while, but of course as any lengthy illness wears on, the anxiety and the "what ifs" start rearing their ugly heads more frequently. I just got health insurance, so I haven't been able to see an ENT specialist as of yet. Now I'm having problems with a very sore throat. It comes and goes, but of course the longer it runs, the more I think something really bad is going on (read throat cancer). I just hate it and I've tried to power my way through by staying upbeat, but the horrible fears keep welling up, especially at night and when I first wake up. It's driving me insane. I'm trying so hard to stay upbeat, but even on a good day, this throat problem keeps inducing real anxiety, sometimes to the point of making me break down and cry. I hate feeling so weak about it, but there are just times when it's too much and I have to let it out. I know the only thing that's going to ease my fear is a thorough exam from an ear/nose/throat physician, but the wait until I can get an appointment is driving me crazy. I really need sleep. I know that's one big reason I feel worse and unable to cope sometimes. At night I think I'm so exhausted I could knock out quickly and as soon as I lay down, the awful throat pain goes into full force. And, of course, the worry over what a doc will find when he scopes my nose and throat. Anyway, I'm not sure what anyone could suggest that I haven't tried. I guess I just needed to write all this out and maybe it would make me feel better. Sometimes it helps just getting things out of your mind and into written, documented form. Thanks for all your past and continued support. You are all just the best people.

02-04-2014, 11:47 PM
In the winter, I get terrible sinuses. Pressure pain, sore throat. Sinus seems to never go away. Spacey, foggy feeling in head. Unbalanced.. tingly face sometimes. And today I have had the sore throat. Ugh it's terrible. Idk why but my throat was sore when I woke up, got better through the day and now at night its sore again. Is that how u are??

02-04-2014, 11:57 PM
Yes. I get better through the day, but it's worse at night and in the morning.

02-05-2014, 12:12 AM
Yes. I get better through the day, but it's worse at night and in the morning.

Same here. My throat is hurting me now. Ugh. Mine hurts to swallow but no bad

02-05-2014, 06:46 AM
Sinus rince, I am doing it for over 5 years not problem with sinuses anymore, I have been struggling with it as long as I can remember. I know that you will not do it, like most people even it is the cheapest and the most effective way of controlling sinuses and allergies. most people prefer to use corticosteroids and popping pills ..

02-05-2014, 08:09 AM
Sinus rince, I am doing it for over 5 years not problem with sinuses anymore, I have been struggling with it as long as I can remember. I know that you will not do it, like most people even it is the cheapest and the most effective way of controlling sinuses and allergies. most people prefer to use corticosteroids and popping pills ..
Hi Dahila, I actually have been doing the saline sinus rinse each day for quite some time. For me, the relief has been temporary or negligible at best, so irrigation has not been a viable answer to the problem. Which is even more frustrating as it seems to work for most people. I don't prefer using steroids of any sort as they do have less than desirable side effects. And I don't prefer "popping pills" as you suggest, although I would gladly do so if I found one that provided relief. Anyway, I don't see the need to be abrasive about it. I'm doing or have done everything I can outside the care of an ENT specialist. Perhaps I need to just stay away from this forum. Not exactly like I post and whine here every day. I spend much more time trying to help others here than I do asking for any support myself. Oh well, no more posts from me. Peace and good luck to all.

02-05-2014, 11:07 AM
JLB do add a tiny amount of baking soda to saline? it does change environment from acidic to alkali...
I do not think when I posted I am sorry , I did not mean any harm. I wonder if you know that Sinuses are incurable but some herbs ie. Rasberry tea or juice or even better fresh rasberry brings the relieve? There is a few ways to treat it, with home remedies...
I use pure sea salt without the anti caking additives, and baking soda. Filtered and boiled water. 240 ml of water and half of tsp of salt

02-05-2014, 12:01 PM
Hey JLB.

Nobody here would want to see you leave the forum. I hope you stick around.

02-05-2014, 12:03 PM
No I feel quilt:((