View Full Version : Non-Fearful Panic disorder

Olive Yew
02-04-2014, 10:33 PM
So this is what my anxiety has changed to. I'd say 85% of the time, my anxiety attacks dont have any of the fear or obsessive thoughts with them, I'm just super uncomfortable and it sucks. Like today I was actually in a rather cheerful, optimistic mood but I had two major panic attacks that felt like I wore a corset WAY too tight, chest, shoulder, and arm pains, dizziness, derealization, headache, metallic taste, feeling disjointed from my limbs, ect. Ya know. Typical anxiety lame. But my brain was literally like "oh look... Anxiety.... So like I'm sewing this purse and It looks fabulous! Super excited about it... Dang this is distracting. My stomach feels so tense and heavy... But oooh the snow is so pretty! I hope we dont have school tomorrow!"

It only sounds nice. I mean it's better than always being terrified but it still feels just as terrible. It still hurts and is horribly uncomfortable. I had to get up from the dinner table to walk around and see if I could get my stomach to relax again.... I dont even know how to begin to fight this... :( it's a real thing too... There's pages on it on the internet... None of then really say how to fight it... :(

Olive Yew
02-05-2014, 05:41 AM
There is nothing on fighting it because you dont fight it . I have to agree that this part of anxiety sucks because you dont fear it so see no reason for it being there . It is only your body settling and now that YOU took the fear way it will settle . This is a perfectly normal stage and most people dont seem to understand is anxiety settles , you dont just wake up one day and its gone .

Okay... :( so i just have to wait it out...

Olive Yew
02-05-2014, 12:17 PM
True... :)