View Full Version : Not sure if I have posted...

03-01-2008, 09:42 PM
Here yet or not but I wanted to thank ALL of you for this site.

I came here a few months ago when I when I had a nervous breakdown shortly after taking some hormone pills to help me with my cycle. :evil: Not good. It aggrivated some underlying symptoms of Anxiety and Depression I already had.

I came here daily reading about Panic Attacks and Anxiety. It helped me SO much to know I wasn't alone. My poor dh had NO clue what to do with me. I was helpless to myself and my family.

I thought I was having a heart attack like.. every other hour :roll: :oops:. I would be begging to go to the hospital and my dh would just tell me it was my anxiety.

THIS site and one other really helped me know my symptoms!

I finally found an excellent psychiatrist who helped me get on JUST the right cocktail for my depression and anxiety.

I take Wellbutrin and Prozac. I am a DIFFERENT person. Before, I was on only Wellbutrin or just zoloft.. and while it delt with 'half' the problem, I still had the other. KWIM? I still take clonopin from time to time and occassionally an ambien.. but I am doing SO much better.

Thank you so much for being here!

03-03-2008, 08:41 AM
its good that you are getting back to "normal".

I have been taking a similar cocktail as yours.

Originally I was just on prozac for many years and there was some side affects i like and didnt have the motiviation i wanted.

So they added welbutrin into the mix which increased my motivation.

Then I also have the klonopin for the occasional anxiety attack.

My anxiety has flared up in the last couple months so its time for me regroup and really get to the root of this! Positive thinking is one thing I can control!