View Full Version : Depersonalization/Derealization - Still there?

02-04-2014, 05:32 PM
Hi guys,

Every day I come up with a new thing that I'm anxious about. Yesterday I thought I was gonna go crazy. Day before that, I was afraid of having some kind of heart disease. I'm always freaking out about something. I just want to say thank you for answering all my questions. It has helped me alot, I'm making really good progress.

So, my question this time: Derealization/Depersonalization. I've had it for about 2 months now. The first month was horrible, I thought that I actually was living in a dream. The second month was much better and right now I'm feeling like I'm 70-80% cured. I now know that this is real life and I'm not having any existential thoughs anymore. But It feels like something is still wrong, even though I'm not feeling any dr/dp symptoms. It's hard to explain. It feels like I need that last 'click' to get back to my old self. Does this mean that it's still there? or am I just too damn anxious?

Help is appreciated.

02-04-2014, 11:19 PM
i have been like that too.sometimes i feel a lot better especially when i am doing something or when i go out in the sun.i think i takes longer for us to become well again.but we will get there.those what if questions just kill you and you shoulf manage them properly or distract yourself.

02-04-2014, 11:26 PM
i also believe i am a lot better and my friends tell me that and that motivates me,but still i think that there is something missing.my point of view is that we have changed or minds in such a way that we forgot how is like to be normal.maybe we are normal but we cant accept it coz our anxiety is still there. it is also my second month and i think that i have still some road to do which i am willing to do.i have bad moments when i loose my strength but i remind myself the beautiful things in life.i do take a strict routine 8 hours of sleep,less tv,walking and doing everything i used to do.i eat well 3 times a day and i do take medicine coz my anxiety was damn high.please share your proccess.