View Full Version : mirena iud, men beware lol.

02-04-2014, 11:30 AM
I've had anxiety issues and problems for a long time But I never had the palpitations and just the feeling of being overly sensitive to any and everything my heart does. Anyways, no Dr will agree with me, But I figured the extra hormones probably don't agree with me and I got it removed today!! I instantly felt better, any other women have issues with the iud, and now feel better since having it removed?

02-04-2014, 04:19 PM
I just got this put in two weeks ago, and for the first week I had craaazy palpitations and mood swings! That was actually when I joined this forum cos I thought my anxiety was just suddenly getting way worse! My palpitations have now stopped though, and although I obviously do still have anxiety, it is back to a manageable state mostly... but based on that first week, I totally believe you could have had lasting problems from it! I'm hoping that now my body has adjusted to it I'll be ok, but everyone reacts differently I guess, and I'll be keeping an eye on myself - I don't have any better options so I'd like to keep it if I can.... so irritating when you get a reaction like that though!x