View Full Version : Vitamins

02-04-2014, 10:29 AM
Hey, has anyone tried taking vitamin supplements to help their anxiety.
My grandmother went through the same thing when she was my age, and she said that 500mg of B-12 helped and still helps her. She takes it everyday.
Has anyone else done this? If so, what kind of vitamins help the nervous system?

02-04-2014, 11:04 AM
Some things that I've had help me :

- Chamomile tea and most teas really. Just the act of taking time out for yourself and relaxing is so nice.

- Vitamin C: Good for the adrenals which get taxed badly by anxiety.

- Magnesium: Natures muscle relaxer. Nuff said.

- Vit B didn't work for me, made me worse, but it works for some, so, awesome it works for you and nana!

- Zinc: cos having pretty skin and hair gave me less anxiety lol

- Valerian root: Helped sleep

- L-Glutamine: Helped with muscle aches and is GABArific.

- Omega 3: Most people have a misaligned balance. Touted as brain food.

- Pantothenic acid: Again good for the adrenals. I'd lived so badly, so tried to boost them a bit.

- Vitamin E: An antioxidant that kills free radicals. If you're worried about getting cancer, may as well give yourself a shot at preventing it!

I had anxiety for quite a darn while, so I never took them all at once, just stuff that got bought for me, or that I bought cos I wasn't eating very well.

02-04-2014, 11:23 AM
Thanks! That's very helpful:)

Does anyone else have any experience taking Vitamin B supplements?

02-04-2014, 03:22 PM
Yeah, I take magnesium and vitamin B6 and B12. I sleep like a baby, dream about AWESOME stuff and wake up feeling REALLY happy. Don't OD on those vitamins tho. Be careful with it, especially the first week. Don't go over 300mg/day (magnesium) and don't go over 10mg/day (B-vitamins). If the first week feels good and you have no problems such as nausea, headaches, diarrhea, etc, then you can take higher doses.

It has helped me alot. Also chamomile tea works really good. Wish you the best!