View Full Version : My Panic Monster

Amy Smith
02-04-2014, 10:01 AM

Mine is a ugly creature with long nails and fangs and gets it's grip on me unexpectedly and won't let go! I see him lurking in the shadows of my "what if" thinking. The more I think and worry the more power I give him. He takes hold of me, I try to break free but his powerful hands are clutched around my throat, I gasp for a breath as he tightens his grip and causes my choking sensations. I am scared and angry, I don't want to be here, I was taken off guard and know I need to escape! My heart races, pulse speeding , nausea sets in, omg! please someone help me, I don't want to be here! Doesn't anyone see this creature, that is distressing me and making me fearful? I'm getting so very dizzy now, I want to run, away and leave my body there, but I can not! A moment of clarity hits me, use your tools, Amy, you can do this! I muster the strength to fight, I turn my back on the CREATURE and repeat to myself he isn't able to hurt me, it's all in my mind, he has no power over me, I begin my slow breathing, his grasp loosens, he's losing power over me, I know he is something I create or trigger when I am stress, worried or anxious. I feed the fear, he is nothing without me, so I know he can't harm me, I turn quickly as he shows his fangs, as one more attempt to gain control over me and I say, you can't hurt me or kill me, I'm not afraid of you, he lets go, and this horrible scream of defeat is release from his body. as he runs off and stops only for a moment and looks over his shoulder and says, in this blood curling voice, you may have won this time, Amy, but I am part of you and will always be here waiting to attack you, I'm not going anywhere! I then throw a firey spear at him and it hits him, and he burns in a beautiful glow and I smirk a sign of relief.

My first reaction is usually fear, then disappointment and anger. I hate you panic creature, and no you will not rob me of my life! I no longer fear you. I can now finally relax. Because I have tools that help me and, I know the truth what you can do and not do. So I will not longer, give You or Panic Attacks another thought, if he should show his ugly face unannounced, I will face the DEMON head on! I am Armed and Ready! I have developed tools that help me, and I now know what a panic attack can do and not do.

02-04-2014, 10:06 AM

Mine is a ugly creature with long nails and fangs and gets it's grip on me unexpectedly and won't let go! I see him lurking in the shadows of my "what if" thinking. The more I think and worry the more power I give him. He takes hold of me, I try to break free but his powerful hands are clutched around my throat, I gasp for a breath as he tightens his grip and causes my choking sensations. I am scared and angry, I don't want to be here, I was taken off guard and know I need to escape! My heart races, pulse speeding , nausea sets in, omg! please someone help me, I don't want to be here! Doesn't anyone see this creature, that is distressing me and making me fearful? I'm getting so very dizzy now, I want to run, away and leave my body there, but I can not! A moment of clarity hits me, use your tools, Amy, you can do this! I muster the strength to fight, I turn my back on the CREATURE and repeat to myself he isn't able to hurt me, it's all in my mind, he has no power over me, I begin my slow breathing, his grasp loosens, he's losing power over me, I know he is something I create or trigger when I am stress, worried or anxious. I feed the fear, he is nothing without me, so I know he can't harm me, I turn quickly as he shows his fangs, as one more attempt to gain control over me and I say, you can't hurt me or kill me, I'm not afraid of you, he lets go, and this horrible scream of defeat is release from his body. as he runs off and stops only for a moment and looks over his shoulder and says, in this blood curling voice, you may have won this time, Amy, but I am part of you and will always be here waiting to attack you, I'm not going anywhere! I then throw a firey spear at him and it hits him, and he burns in a beautiful glow and I smirk a sign of relief.

My first reaction is usually fear, then disappointment and anger. I hate you panic creature, and no you will not rob me of my life! I no longer fear you. I can now finally relax. Because I have tools that help me and, I know the truth what you can do and not do. So I will not longer, give You or Panic Attacks another thought, if he should show his ugly face unannounced, I will face the DEMON head on! I am Armed and Ready! I have developed tools that help me, and I now know what a panic attack can do and not do.

That is actually a fun short story

It is awesome that you are able to not only see anxiety for what it is but your story in fiction

Much like everyone's anxiety is fiction

glad to see you are the one taking control