View Full Version : Exams this year

02-04-2014, 09:37 AM
I feel like i'm going to become extra stressed, annoyed, and anxious when I need to start revising(March)
Anything I can do to prepare myself from all of this?:/
Last year was bad enough with only four exams and now I have 11 ish.. I got to a point last year where i cried and felt like giving up and had really bad headaches from revising just 30mins and had a major breakout on my face! And i don't want this to happen again! Suggestions ?:(

02-05-2014, 10:22 AM
What do you have Shonat, GCSEs?

El Lukio
02-05-2014, 11:25 AM
I was crap at revising so probably not the best to advise! Breaking it down into small chunks helps I think as does having a revision plan. Don't overdo it and don't pressure yourself into revising when you think you can't gave it. If 30 mins is your max. at a time use that as a guideline. Break it up with other activities like listening to music, taking a walk etc. - anything to break it up. You will do well I'm sure. Exams suck for pressure and I wish you the best of luck.

02-05-2014, 12:06 PM
Yes GCSEs :(
Yeah they suck so much! Already stressed from doing speaking assessments :/
I remember revising last year for science and i listened to music, it gave me a really bad head.. Well i think that was from listening to music:/ i do a revision plan:) but i found that last year i'd put alarms on my phone for times to revise an that made me very stressed so i am going to revise at my own time:) thanks guys x