View Full Version : help anyone?

02-04-2014, 09:26 AM
I'm terrified that i have a blood clot on my lung! I have a pain in my back & i'm convinced its a blood clot! How likely is this as i'm only 20? I don't want to say anything to my family cause they don't listen!

02-04-2014, 10:41 AM
Its near the bottom of my ribcage on the left, the pain comes & goes and gets worse when i breathe in. I'm really freaking out about.

El Lukio
02-04-2014, 11:29 AM
Can you actually feel it when you press on the area though? What I am trying to get at is, if (in the VERY UNLIKELY event) it was a pulmonary embolism, the pain would be internal, and constant (i.e. Blocking the blood flow, obviously blood doesn't just stop and start). If you can actually press on the area (rub in a circular motion around the area) and you can isolate the pain, this is muscular (on the outside of the ribcage) not on the inside of the lung. (Obviously it is impossible to feel your lung). You most likely will feel more of a twinge when you breath due to the contraction of the muscle. Providing you are not in (and I am talking Agonising pain , not simply twinges) and you are not coughing up blood I reckon you are good to go.

James, you're the voice of reason as always! Thanks for making us feel better with your level-headed, sound advice. It really means a lot :)

02-04-2014, 11:54 AM
Thanks alot James! Much appreciated!