View Full Version : Guilt & Depression

02-04-2014, 09:21 AM
I often feel guilty and depressed because I feel like I have so many anxieties that control my life. I feel guilty because I constantly ask for reassurance from people around me. I can't remember the last down period I had without any anxiety in my life. I get better, and then something new comes. I have health anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, some OCD tendencies, relationship anxiety. It all comes together. Does anyone else feel hopeless like I do right now? I feel like I'll never be okay. I've been like this since I was little. I'm on Cymbalta and I've been seeing a counselor for almost two years now. I think the Cymbalta doesn't work at all... But that's besides the point. I want to get over this, once and for all.

02-04-2014, 09:38 AM
I often feel guilty and depressed because I feel like I have so many anxieties that control my life. I feel guilty because I constantly ask for reassurance from people around me. I can't remember the last down period I had without any anxiety in my life. I get better, and then something new comes. I have health anxiety, generalized anxiety, panic disorder, some OCD tendencies, relationship anxiety. It all comes together. Does anyone else feel hopeless like I do right now? I feel like I'll never be okay. I've been like this since I was little. I'm on Cymbalta and I've been seeing a counselor for almost two years now. I think the Cymbalta doesn't work at all... But that's besides the point. I want to get over this, once and for all.

You ask if anyone feels as hopeless as you do now.

The good news is I don't

And the reason that is good news for you is because I used to feel exactly like you do and probably worse

So yes, this is temporary and you just haven't found the right combination of things that work

I am 99% anxiety free all of the time

If Cymbalta isn't working well enough or at all, change your meds.

I went through a few before Effexor did wonders. There are really some differences in how each med performs on different people

I had all the disorders you list above

Only the health anxiety tries to sneak up now and again but I quickly cut the legs out from under it

Hang in there, your good days are coming

02-04-2014, 10:30 AM
Thank you xxx
What kind of things helped you?

02-04-2014, 10:43 AM
[QUOTE=jukebox314;155843]Thank you xxx
What kind of things helped you?[/QUOTE

First and foremost the SSRI I was on

Many opinions on what is best but for me, to get my mind stopped from constantly racing was an absolute

I was going nowhere before that happened.

Once I was calmed down enough, I tried the therapists, which was a waste because they sucked. Were always taking the temperature of my fingers.

Like why must you do that every 5 minutes? The only thing that did was give me thermometer anxiety. LOL

But I digress -

everything that hellped me was from any sources but the only things I readand listened to were things that preached to accept and not fight what you are going through

When I accepted this was part of me, and learned that it was all harmless and I could choose how I reacted to my negative thoughts, it just went away

I fought so many years and tried to distract myself and say positive things but the result never changed

Making friends with my anxiety is what caused it to break up with me

Others may have different ways naturally to get their head in that place

02-04-2014, 12:26 PM
Thank you very much, Nixon.
I've tried 3 different medications and I'm only 20. I just started last year. Nothing has helped. I was on a higher dose of Cymbalta over the summer, and that made everything a thousand times worse. Right now I'm on 30mg.

I always make a conscious decision to become better and fight this, but then I end up right back at square one because something shook me like my relationship or a pain.
But this time I really want to change.
Thank you for replying.

02-04-2014, 12:48 PM
Maybe the fourth different medication will be the one that gets you where you want to be?

02-04-2014, 01:09 PM
Maybe the fourth different medication will be the one that gets you where you want to be?