View Full Version : Work anxiety

02-04-2014, 05:58 AM
Hi everyone, I am interested to know if anyone else does the same as me, I have suffered from anxiety for a long time and go through good and bad stages. At the moment my life seems to be focused on getting back into work, only I'm the one making it hard for myself, I find the right job for me I apply and I really want the job. As soon as I get an interview I'm delighted then after that I start to convince myself it's not for me I can't do it it's too far to travel, the pays bad or I won't like the people or the hours don't suit, when it's probably a very good job, then I don't turn up for the interview and so the process goes on. I know how silly I'm being but I can't seem to force myself, this has started since my last job I was in for 5 years and left after having an accident, I can't seem to get out if this rut now. My husband makes it easy for me by saying don't bother if you don't want to its fine, but I know I need to do it at some point, has anyone else been in a similar situation or is it just silly old me 😞 thank you in advance for taking the time to read this .

02-04-2014, 06:28 AM
Hey I'm just the same however I have the dilema now of working but it's till late and my anxiety plays up I'm not sure what to do

Personally find a job that suits u wrk part time if needed. Trying to struggle and making life harder for the sake of a job is not good honestly I'm in that predicament now its horrible . My hubby says the same don't worry but I do have really bad anxiety attacks when I'm unemployed . It feels like a no win situation but I think right now the best thing would be to take your time think bout what u want and if possible try PT and then progress to FT xx