View Full Version : Bye!!!!!!

Kyle Morgan
02-03-2014, 06:28 PM
Bye everyone

02-03-2014, 06:43 PM
Kyle- have you had enough of the forum?

02-03-2014, 06:45 PM
I hope you're saying bye because you're going on vacation...

02-03-2014, 06:45 PM
Bye everyone

What's that mean, Kyle

Hopefully just that you are leaving here

But I hope you aren't doing that either

02-03-2014, 06:46 PM
Kyle - please explain yourself.... You know how we all like to worry :(

02-03-2014, 06:49 PM
Kyle, we are all a clearly concerned by your unclear message.. What's going on ?

I hope you are okay.

02-03-2014, 06:53 PM
Hmm. Kyle - talk to us please buddy.

02-03-2014, 08:00 PM
Kyle will be back as someone else, I hope I am right

02-03-2014, 08:20 PM
Not too cool, Kyle

Let us know you're okay

Lots of people concerned

02-03-2014, 08:28 PM
Hope your okay Karl

02-03-2014, 09:31 PM
I think we all would appreciate you checking in with us

El Lukio
02-04-2014, 12:54 AM
Not too cool, Kyle Let us know you're okay Lots of people concerned

Agreed. Hope he is Ok :(

02-04-2014, 12:55 AM
Aw, I didn't get to meet you yet. Oh well. Guess I will when you come back!

02-04-2014, 04:20 AM
Kyle..... A lot of people are really concerned right now.. Please let us know what's happening!! :(

02-04-2014, 04:26 AM
One more person offing himself?

02-04-2014, 04:51 AM
Was that necessary?

Kyle. Be safe.

hope u r ok.life is beautiful

02-04-2014, 07:25 AM
Not too cool, Kyle

Let us know you're okay

Lots of people concerned


02-04-2014, 07:29 AM
... Still concerned Kyle. We all are.

Anyone tried to message him on FB ?

02-04-2014, 08:00 AM
He does not seem active on FB

02-04-2014, 10:20 AM
I messaged him on FB last night, Nothing back.

02-04-2014, 10:32 AM
I keep checking to see if he has posted here

You could see the change for the better in him over the last days

Better show back up

02-04-2014, 11:20 AM
I messaged him too. Said even if he isn't ready to talk to just post he is ok.

I feel the same about mist. He had that bad response to meds and just disappeared. Worried. :(

Mist was online 2 days ago Frankie :) don't know how he's doing, he never replies to me and Emans post to him, but he didn't seem in the worst of places, just commenting on a coffee thread.

02-04-2014, 11:56 AM
Oh no, this is not good! i've tried messaging him on fb but nothing! Haven't seen him online for a while either!!

02-04-2014, 12:08 PM
I'm sure he's doing fine. Probably beginning to spend some time off line for a while. Good to reflect and just not hear the stories sometimes for us all.

He's doing pretty good overall as of late. I don't think he'll be gone long, he knows his friends are here for him always. The old brain likes to jump fast when excited as it's

a little hyper right now for most of us anyway.


02-04-2014, 01:47 PM
I keep checking to see if he pops up on here!!! GeneA I hope your right. Peace

02-04-2014, 04:09 PM

Kyle is back in the building

He just needed some time but he is okay

He should be back on soon

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 04:09 PM
Hey everybody, I'm sorry for everything. I have just been extremely down because recently I almost hurt myself again. I have been coming to terms with what I almost did and I'm just not with it right now

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 04:13 PM
I almost came extremely close to harming myself again, and I was close to going to the hospital

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 04:17 PM
I'm just a mess and a failure

02-04-2014, 04:20 PM
Hang in there. At least that's what everyone keeps telling me ;)

Good to see you post!

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 04:22 PM
Hang in there. At least that's what everyone keeps telling me ;)

Good to see you post!

Thanks Dude

02-04-2014, 04:35 PM
Frankie's posts always put a :) on my face.

02-04-2014, 04:36 PM
Me too 13 :)

02-04-2014, 04:48 PM
Oh wow. Thanks all. Let's hope it offers something to our friend Kyle too.

Kyle should realize that not a whole lot of threads make it to a 5th page

People give a damn

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 04:52 PM
Thanks everyone, I'm glad I've joined this forum, everyone on here is cool and kind. I appreciate it. I keep telling myself I'm not good because I'm so used to getting negative crap from people in my life

02-04-2014, 04:53 PM
I'm just a mess and a failure

Hang in there Kyle. You are NOT a failure. Please dont think that. Everyone has something to offer and dont ever let anyone make you feel otherwise. As you can see, there were PLENTY of people(myself included) who were worried about you.....so that should show you that are valued and important.

If you ever need to talk, you know there is always someone on here.

02-04-2014, 04:54 PM
F them people

But you are correcy, they are dictating how you feel about yourself

Strip the power from them

02-04-2014, 04:57 PM
Yeah, great post Frankie.. :)

Kyle, I'm truly happy that you are still with us ! Don't let the negative people bring you down. You Are Good. You are worth this life. And if people in your life can't see the good person you are, well, then screw them. Stay strong Kyle; Talk whenever you need to!!

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 04:59 PM
Thanks I try my best to be kind and help people, but I think I screw up things and I make people annoyed at me, which makes me angry at myself. Prehaps I'm not a good person

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 05:10 PM
There will always be horrible people in life Kyle!

Just remember you are part of an exclusive club now!

How many of those assholes in your town can stay up all night online with no sleep, comment and keep up with multiple conversations, have a depth of pharmaceutical knowledge greater than most MSc chemists, whilst simultaneously diagnosing themselves with cardiovascular disease and retaining the ability to spell "myocardial infarction" from memory??

You will be just fine Kyle!

Just stick around!

Thanks, I understand where you're coming from, some ignorant people look at people like us who have a mental health condition and think we're out of our minds. It's hard what a lot us go through on this forum.

02-04-2014, 05:14 PM
Thanks I try my best to be kind and help people, but I think I screw up things and I make people annoyed at me, which makes me angry at myself. Prehaps I'm not a good person

You sound a lot like me honestly. I always give people the benefit of the doubt especially when we first meet, time and time again I'm just let down. Keep in mind I'm almost 40 yrs old and still have trouble with this. I think because I'm good to people that when they aren't I get angry, way too angry and wonder if I'm the bad person. I'm working on it harder now than ever to realize some people are just like that. Kinda like what Nixon said, we gotta "strip the power from them" and just realize it's a fault in them not us... Right

02-04-2014, 05:14 PM
Perhaps you're "too good" of a person. :) don't let others get YOU down. You're going to get through it. Those other people who feel the need to get YOU down are the LOSERS AND FAILURES.

02-04-2014, 05:15 PM
Hi Kyle and everyone :)
You will always get nasty people in life, believe me I've had my fair share of
So called friends that just use you for what they can And then sod off,yes it hurts but you know what.your the stronger person,you count,we all have each other to chat to,we are all apart of a chain and your one of the links in that chain,together we will get each other through it,no road is ever Smooth and you have just hit a bump that all.your Journey will get better I promise you :)

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 05:17 PM
Yeah It's like Because I'm kind with people, it's like they take me as some kind of pushover because I usually give in to favours and help people. the thing is though if by some rare chance I can't help someone out or I did something wrong, they look at me as if I'm the bad guy. I've tried being assertive with people but I'm not very good haha

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 05:19 PM
Thanks em, yeah I've had people like that too, and it can sometimes infuriate you because no matter how hard you help or be kind to someone, they just automatically brush you aside and look at you as if you're a nobody because they have found someone better in their life.

02-04-2014, 05:21 PM
Yeah It's like Because I'm kind with people, it's like they take me as some kind of pushover because I usually give in to favours and help people. the thing is though if by some rare chance I can't help someone out or I did something wrong, they look at me as if I'm the bad guy. I've tried being assertive with people but I'm not very good haha

Well your not at all the bad guy,you sound like a good person and that's a good thing to be
You have the Support Of everyone on here,there's so many amazing people
On here to give advice or even just to chat to :) it's a fab place to come

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 05:22 PM
Thanks :) I'll try, I am a sensitive person, I often get hurt easily when friends just leave me or don't want to know me anymore for no reason, especially because I have a hard time getting to talk to new people due to the people who bullied me when I was younger, and due to my panic attacks/Anxiety/Depression.

02-04-2014, 05:26 PM
The thing is what gets me is anyone can get panic attacks etc at anytime of there life and some people think oh that won't happen to me,I've had friends say to me oh yes I think I've had a panic attack and I think reallyyyyy lol if you had one you would know about it
I think we Are so strong as we put up with this
The good days are coming

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 05:34 PM
The thing is what gets me is anyone can get panic attacks etc at anytime of there life and some people think oh that won't happen to me,I've had friends say to me oh yes I think I've had a panic attack and I think reallyyyyy lol if you had one you would know about it
I think we Are so strong as we put up with this
The good days are coming

Yeah I know a few people like that, if you mention something about Panic attacks, Depression etc. to them. They automatically assume that they have it worse than you, even though they don't really have a clue what it is. Some people are like that, they just think their problems are worse than everybody else's. Fair enough people might have a big problem but I don't think they should rub it in other's faces because that person might have a small issue themselves. I know this girl, I told her before that my parents had split up, and she replies saying "Not being funny But I know how it feels to have parents split up and I've been through a lot worse than what you're going through" Maybe she did but I just find it rude when people are like that.

02-04-2014, 05:37 PM
Glad to see you came to no harm. An abrupt goodbye on this kind of forum is never the best of signs.

Life is gonna change so much over the next few years. Even mid 20s, my life is so much different from when I was 18, and all the nonsense that came with being a very young adult, and a teen. I think most people can say the same. You're gonna evolve a lot big guy.

Invest in yourself now, so that in a few years you're happier with the 'Kyle product' :)

You may not be happy with it right now, you may be frustrated, think it's unworthy, that's cool. You're still in the design phase.

You're an adult now. Whatever happened in the past, fuck it, it wasn't your fault in the slightest. What you're like at 25-30, well, that's gonna be more about you. Thats where your glory waits for you.

If I could go back and tell depressed, low self esteem 18 year old me to do 4 things, they'd be:

Learn a language
Get the music skills tight. Love that guitar
Begin to meditate/learn the principals of CBT
Get to a pretty good level of psychical fitness.

And ride out all the bad moments, by focusing on any of those 4 things ^

Cos I wasted a lot of years unhappy, and didn't get anything to show for them.

You may have your own things you wanna invest your time into, you'll get to a period where your investments start to pay :)

You'll also find it benefits your mental health a lot too having this sort of attitude! Days won't be wasted, you won't feel useless, and you can go as fast or slow as you like.

Be well my friend. And feel free to vent any of the bad stuff on here, if it helps at all!

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 05:38 PM
Glad to see you came to no harm. An abrupt goodbye on this kind of forum is never the best of signs.

Life is gonna change so much over the next few years. Even mid 20s, my life is so much different from when I was 18, and all the nonsense that came with being a very young adult, and a teen. I think most people can say the same. You're gonna evolve a lot big guy.

Invest in yourself now, so that in a few years you're happier with the 'Kyle product' :)

You're an adult now. Whatever happened in the past, fuck it, it wasn't your fault in the slightest. What you're like at 25-30, well, that's gonna be more about you. Thats where your glory waits for you.

If I could back and tell depressed, low self esteem 18 year old me to do 4 things, they'd be:

Learn a language
Get the music skills tight. Love that guitar
Begin to meditate/learn the principals of CBT
Get to a pretty good level of psychical fitness.

And ride out all the bad moments, by focusing on any of those 4 things ^

You may have your own, get you'll get to a period where your investments start to pay :)

Be well my friend.

Thanks Jesse, thanks for the support you've given me man, much appreciate it!

02-04-2014, 05:44 PM
Kyle- so happy you are OK. Please know that you aren't alone in this mess. We may not all be fighting the same fight but we are all at battle with ourselves in some way shape or form.

One thing I'm learning is that we are often very hard on ourselves and unforgiving of ourselves. You strike me as one of those people.

Thank goodness that whatever was going through your mind changed. Please please please reach out to the people here whenever things are getting really bad.

People here care about you and I hope you see that now. Every life matters and I'm so sorry you're going through this struggle. I just hope those of us on the forum can help you feel a bit less isolated.

- Becky

02-04-2014, 05:45 PM
I know this girl, I told her before that my parents had split up, and she replies saying "Not being funny But I know how it feels to have parents split up and I've been through a lot worse than what you're going through" Maybe she did but I just find it rude when people are like that.

Exactly! I totally agree! Everyone is going on their own personal journey. I had a very similar experience where I once yelled at my dad for putting me through some stuff and he went "well, I think you will find that there are worse things that I've been through, that you can't even imagine yet" - I was like, cheers for making me feel so much better knowing there are worse things out there, and undermining my pain!! :P It is so frustrating when people are like that! I know for sure that lots of people have it way worse than me, and we can't live other people's lives so we don't know what is going on with them - we can't and shouldn't assume anything. I have some friends who seem fine, but then I find out they are really struggling with something. Honestly, take it easy on yourself because I think that the vast majority of people struggle and mess up and nobody is perfect!

02-04-2014, 05:46 PM
Like SSmommy says, we can be really unforgiving on ourselves. Sometimes what helps is thinking - what would I tell someone else if they were in the same position as me? You would probably advise them to not be so hard on themselves, right? We find it so much easy to be kind to strangers than we do to be kind to ourselves. :) *hugs*

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 05:48 PM
Kyle- so happy you are OK. Please know that you aren't alone in this mess. We may not all be fighting the same fight but we are all at battle with ourselves in some way shape or form.

One thing I'm learning is that we are often very hard on ourselves and unforgiving of ourselves. You strike me as one of those people.

Thank goodness that whatever was going through your mind changed. Please please please reach out to the people here whenever things are getting really bad.

People here care about you and I hope you see that now. Every life matters and I'm so sorry you're going through this struggle. I just hope those of us on the forum can help you feel a bit less isolated.

- Becky

Thanks Becky sorry to worry you and everyone else. It's been quite tough the past few months

Kyle Morgan
02-04-2014, 05:51 PM
Like SSmommy says, we can be really unforgiving on ourselves. Sometimes what helps is thinking - what would I tell someone else if they were in the same position as me? You would probably advise them to not be so hard on themselves, right? We find it so much easy to be kind to strangers than we do to be kind to ourselves. :) *hugs*

Thanks Kate, I'm always like that on myself, sometimes it's an habit because I have dealt with a number of people knocking down my confidence in the past by calling me ugly, worthless, I should die etc. All of this negative crap from others has made me sometimes think Tat I am what what they say I am

02-04-2014, 06:00 PM
So glad to see you back Kyle. You're coming along well. We have bumps, you just had one. This can propel you onward, and where you will sit in the drivers seat of your life.

We all lose our balance, even without anxiety and depression. We all get back up too. Good to see you standing, breathing, walking, and talking. We all love ya, and you

know that. We all have lots of power, we sometimes mistakenly give it away to others. Once we see this, admit it, we can take that power back.

Just let it sink in a bit. Peace Bro

02-04-2014, 08:00 PM
Kyle I have to admit that you pissed me totally, you deserve spanking...

Maybe you do not know, but I have a heavy accent, I am in Canada 22 years, finished College and did different projects, volunteered and a lot more, I am working in company where are some drivers. One of them (working with me for three years) is pretending that he does not understand what I am saying. Today I asked him why he is such a prick? For the respect of others I did not voice my opinion about this primitive snob, I told him that he is hurting me with his stupid games.... He was trying to make it laughable, but nobody did laugh..... As you see not only you have hard time in your life. I felt like crying, my anxiety of course went up to the roof. I am still shaky. Assholes are everywhere and it does not matter how old are u, or how you look, the small pricks need to feel better walking all over others.....

I felt like crying but I did not. You can do this too. Of course you need time to get stronger, just cut assholes out of your life if it is possible. Try to be with people who accept you the way you are, you're very young and you think that it will never change. It will, you will grow up, and become a man. Unfriend all the people who are mean to you, i am talking about fB of course. Stick with the ones who accept you:))

Nixon rulz said I think it was him to keep all the msg and proof of abuse , do it, and do not hesitate to use it. Assholes should be treated without kindness....

02-04-2014, 08:24 PM
Kyle I have to admit that you pissed me totally, you deserve spanking...

Maybe you do not know, but I have a heavy accent, I am in Canada 22 years, finished College and did different projects, volunteered and a lot more, I am working in company where are some drivers. One of them (working with me for three years) is pretending that he does not understand what I am saying. Today I asked him why he is such a prick? For the respect of others I did not voice my opinion about this primitive snob, I told him that he is hurting me with his stupid games.... He was trying to make it laughable, but nobody did laugh..... As you see not only you have hard time in your life. I felt like crying, my anxiety of course went up to the roof. I am still shaky. Assholes are everywhere and it does not matter how old are u, or how you look, the small pricks need to feel better walking all over others.....

I felt like crying but I did not. You can do this too. Of course you need time to get stronger, just cut assholes out of your life if it is possible. Try to be with people who accept you the way you are, you're very young and you think that it will never change. It will, you will grow up, and become a man. Unfriend all the people who are mean to you, i am talking about fB of course. Stick with the ones who accept you:))

Nixon rulz said I think it was him to keep all the msg and proof of abuse , do it, and do not hesitate to use it. Assholes should be treated without kindness....

I love your posts Dahila. This one is great

I always picture you scolding me when I read your posts/

I'm scared of you

Like my mom

LOL : )

02-04-2014, 08:34 PM
Dahila just tells it as it is, no messing around.

Dahlia that guy sounds like a dick. Aren't lots of people in Canada from Polish ancestors? So many Canadian surnames names end in 'ski' and have polish letters like K and W in them

02-04-2014, 08:36 PM
Dahila just tells it as it is, no messing around.

Dahlia that guy sounds like a dick. Aren't lots of people in Canada from Polish ancestors? So many Canadian surnames names end is 'ski' and have polish letters like and and W in them
The dick is as he says Proud Canadian, like I am not, I am Canadian citizen for over 20 years. We have a lot of Polish Canadians but none in place I work. Do not worry i will take my revenge, and we all know that revenge is the best served cold......:))

02-04-2014, 08:37 PM
Dahila just tells it as it is, no messing around.

Dahlia that guy sounds like a dick. Aren't lots of people in Canada from Polish ancestors? So many Canadian surnames names end is 'ski' and have polish letters like and and W in them

Hey, jesse

What a surprise to see you chime in at 4:00 AM, your time

What exactly do you sell, crack?

I know you are in sales but you keep some fu$ked up hours LOL

02-04-2014, 08:39 PM
I think Jessed like Americanos :)))

02-04-2014, 08:41 PM
I think Jessed like Americanos :)))

Either that or just Nixono LOL

Ok that was horrible but I dont care!

02-04-2014, 08:42 PM
I do actually. I prefer this forum at night. It becomes more sociable.

I sell hope Nixon. I sell hope.

I haven't worked for like 2 months. Running the last of my contract, they don't give a shit, and neither do I.

Then I'll go to the bank to try and get money to build my spaceship, with the capacity to blow up Earth.

02-04-2014, 08:46 PM
I do actually. I prefer this forum at night. It becomes more sociable.

I sell hope Nixon. I sell hope.

I haven't worked for like 2 months. Running the last of my contract, they don't give a shit, and neither do I.

Then I'll go to the bank to try and get money to build my spaceship, with the capacity to blow up Earth.

We can ride in your spaceship like a bicycle built for 2

This place does simmer at night

As long as my mom or Dahila doesnt yell at me

02-04-2014, 08:56 PM
Nixon I dearly love you (like a son :)) I would never dare to yell at the one (obi canobi) who rulz :))

could not resist:biggrin:

02-04-2014, 08:58 PM
Nixon I dearly love you (like a son :)) I would never dare to yell at the one (obi canobi) who rulz :))

could not resist:biggrin:

Lets just carjack Jesse's spaceship and fly to Ponders beach so we can just hang out and heal

02-04-2014, 08:59 PM
This forum makes me so happy. This very anxiety provoking thread has turned into laughter. Good stuff... Good night all!

02-04-2014, 09:04 PM
Lets just carjack Jesse's spaceship and fly to Ponders beach so we can just hang out and heal

I am not sure Ponder would like our invasion, I can be pretty annoying at times;)) I like the idea of carjack his spaceship, Did Jesse get a loan already?

02-04-2014, 09:07 PM
I am not sure Ponder would like our invasion, I can be pretty annoying at times;)) I like the idea of carjack his spaceship, Did Jesse get a loan already?

If anyone, he could talk a bank into giving him a loan for a spaceship

02-04-2014, 09:11 PM
Night SSMummy

Kyle Morgan
02-05-2014, 05:53 AM
Does anyone here constantly get suicidal thoughts, I keep having them throughout the day which makes it hard for to focus on other things.

02-05-2014, 07:23 AM
Yep. Count me in. Some days are better than others.

Kyle Morgan
02-05-2014, 01:47 PM
Yep. Count me in. Some days are better than others.

Yeah I will just get it randomly at any minute of the day. I also have been having problems with my sleeping, I keep on waking up at night due to nightmares of me committing suicide, and I constantly worry about everything when I'm trying to get to sleep.

02-05-2014, 02:13 PM
I was just thinking about it before I read this. I don't dream about it but like you, but constantly worry when I wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep, it almost drives me insane. For me anyway getting sleep is key and meds have been the only way I've made any progress there.

Kyle Morgan
02-05-2014, 02:37 PM
I was just thinking about it before I read this. I don't dream about it but like you, but constantly worry when I wake up during the night and can't get back to sleep, it almost drives me insane. For me anyway getting sleep is key and meds have been the only way I've made any progress there.

Yeah same, I'll worry about stupid stuff. The thing is I often feel like shit the next day which makes my Anxiety worse because I haven't had a decent night's sleep, which can sometimes make me feel drowsy and irritable throughout the day then.

02-05-2014, 07:05 PM
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Problems won't kill you. Lost job; loved one, spouse, fights, cheating and being lied to. Yes it can bring you down but it is not the end. Just ask anyone who has been through it before.

02-05-2014, 07:09 PM
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Problems won't kill you. Lost job; loved one, spouse, fights, cheating and being lied to. Yes it can bring you down but it is not the end. Just ask anyone who has been through it before.

Some physical health probs are not temporary otherwise I'm in agreeance.

02-06-2014, 05:18 AM
Does anyone here constantly get suicidal thoughts, I keep having them throughout the day which makes it hard for to focus on other things.

Hey kyle! Told you I would introduce myself when you came back. I wanted to answer your question with this. I'm never prone to suicidal thoughts. Never have been. However, I woke up this morning after a strange dream and felt - out of nowhere - like waking up just wasn't worth the effort. Almost like I was sad that I woke up. The thought of just ending it had crossed my mind. Like every other thought you have when you're an anxious person, the thought got amplified until I had to shake it away.

The thoughts you have will get amplified more and more because you know it's a possibility. Like standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon. Your mind races when you get to the ledge because you know falling in is just that easy. But if a piece of you wants to jump in, those thoughts scream even louder. I guarantee you that fulfilling these thoughts wouldn't solve as many problems as they would create them. As you've seen by the crazy amount of posts, there are people who would be greatly affected by your loss. I hardly know you but I know that I would, too. The thoughts may not be easy to get rid of, but like my thoughts about how my heart will explode or my breathing will suddenly stop, you just need to tell them to shut up. Tell them you're not going to give in that easily. I don't know what you go through, Kyle, but I'm sure it feels like your piloting a runaway train. Most of us feel the same, and we'd be more than eager to help you regain control.

Kyle Morgan
02-06-2014, 01:51 PM
I have felt like rubbish again today, it was my first day back in college today after 2 months

02-06-2014, 02:05 PM
Anything much happen, or just the usual kind of miserable day you have when you don't really enjoy something?

Kyle Morgan
02-06-2014, 02:31 PM
Anything much happen, or just the usual kind of miserable day you have when you don't really enjoy something?

It was my first day back in College after 2 months, and I had another Panic attack. College weren't too bad though apart from the shitty panic attack. I also seen that girl too, oh god she made me feel like a retard

Kyle Morgan
02-06-2014, 03:43 PM
I hope I don't bump into her again tomorrow.

02-06-2014, 03:44 PM
Do you have any classes with her?

Kyle Morgan
02-06-2014, 03:58 PM
Do you have any classes with her?

Nope she's not in any of my classes, typical I've been in College since September and only ever seen her 3-4 times (Don't count lifts) Now when we don't like each other, I see her on my first day back lol