View Full Version : Can't seem to concentrate at all..

02-03-2014, 03:46 PM
Does anyone else find it impossible to concentrate on tasks at hand when their anxiety is going? Obviously in the midst of panic attacks your concentration flies out the window, however I am just generally on-edge and anxious right now, not necessarily panicky! I dont see how I am supposed to get anything done when I'm like this...I just cant focus my thoughts and clear my mind of all the racing it does 24/7. One of the most frustrating things about anxiety for me is when I notice it stopping me from doing things I previously was able to do without a second thought.

This post is just a little bit of a rant really....my therapist means well but just doesn't seem to be doing much for me (I had to spend 20 minutes explaining what the sleep paralysis I've been getting was) and my boyfriend isn't being as supportive as I imagined he would be through all of this. Would just like it all to go back to normal. I've really been putting off meds in the hopes CBT could cure my problems, but I'm starting to think otherwise now. Any thoughts?

02-03-2014, 05:09 PM
How long have you been doing CBT? I imagine it takes time to begin noticing any positive changes. It seems to be very helpful for a lot of people here so you should stick with it!

I hear ya about the not being able to concentrate while in the throws of anxiety. That's when you just need to stop yourself periodically, take a deep breath and try to quit the chatter in your head - try to "reset" then try to concentrate on that one task again. It always takes me a few tries to hit that reset button :)

02-03-2014, 05:24 PM
Like the pussycat above me says, anything that will lower anxiety levels is gonna help that concentration :)

Mine has always sucked, if I don't meditate, I spend the whole day chasing squirrels!!

Antidepressants do often help a fair bit. Once I went back on them, despite having minimal symptoms, just cos my thinking was a little slow and my focus poor.

02-03-2014, 06:11 PM
Only been doing it for a little over a month now..its not the CBT that I lack faith in, more my therapist. She keeps wanting to explain away my anxiety, pinning it onto random things in my life.
I know there are a million and one posts on this site about medication and their affects. But I have a quick question! I'm on the last stretch of finishing my degree, and can already tell that my anxiety is really taking its toll on my performance...so I was thinking of starting a benzo as a short-term bandaid for the high-stress times ahead, along with CBT of course. However I'm just a little concerned about their side affects, would drowsiness etc maybe work against my work even more?

02-03-2014, 06:12 PM
Does anyone else find it impossible to concentrate on tasks at hand when their anxiety is going? Obviously in the midst of panic attacks your concentration flies out the window, however I am just generally on-edge and anxious right now, not necessarily panicky! I dont see how I am supposed to get anything done when I'm like this...I just cant focus my thoughts and clear my mind of all the racing it does 24/7. One of the most frustrating things about anxiety for me is when I notice it stopping me from doing things I previously was able to do without a second thought. This post is just a little bit of a rant really....my therapist means well but just doesn't seem to be doing much for me (I had to spend 20 minutes explaining what the sleep paralysis I've been getting was) and my boyfriend isn't being as supportive as I imagined he would be through all of this. Would just like it all to go back to normal. I've really been putting off meds in the hopes CBT could cure my problems, but I'm starting to think otherwise now. Any thoughts?

Farrah, I think meds are always a good starting point to start your healing if you are okay with taking them

It's tough to find a good therapist and probably even harder to find someone without anxiety to always be supportive

If you're having trouble focusing, you should look into the meds

It really does help to get that "semi normal" feeling back so doing the CBT, meditation and others comes easier without all the noise in your head

A lot of this is trial and error to find what works for you

But the end result will come as you hope

02-03-2014, 06:40 PM
Haha! That's my cat, Little Bits :) She also suffers from anxiety!

02-03-2014, 07:04 PM
Depends what you're like Farrah. If you get tired after a few glasses of wine, if you're one of those who likes 10hours sleep, or who falls asleep in movies - you may be susceptible to the sedative effects. Depends how much you would need to take too.

This is just me, but I'd go SSRI before benzo for study. I think the extra concentration levels and focus you'd develop would probably be superior to a benzo. Also more chance of lasting changes. Far less risk of drowsiness or cognitive side effects if you went for an activating one like Prozac.

But, if you just need a little extra help now and again, on rare occasions, then sure, I can see how benzo would work - and why not - that's what they were made for! :)

02-03-2014, 07:05 PM
Thanks for the reassurance everyone, I guess all my apprehension comes from the stigma attached to anxiety medication. But all that nonsense comes from people that dont actually get what it is like to have your mind and body in constant panic. Done some things to make me feel more at ease today- I have made an appointment to get assessed by a psychiatrist and see if they will maybe be a better fit, tackled my massive laundry pile and cooked a delish meal (I'm such a foodie!) All of this is what I have termed 'productive procrastination', I always end up busying myself with other tasks when I have work to do!
Stp Little Bits is adorable! My fat cat named Monkey is purring away happily next to me...she clearly does NOT suffer from anxiety.

02-03-2014, 07:09 PM
Thanks for the reassurance everyone, I guess all my apprehension comes from the stigma attached to anxiety medication. But all that nonsense comes from people that dont actually get what it is like to have your mind and body in constant panic. Done some things to make me feel more at ease today- I have made an appointment to get assessed by a psychiatrist and see if they will maybe be a better fit, tackled my massive laundry pile and cooked a delish meal (I'm such a foodie!) All of this is what I have termed 'productive procrastination', I always end up busying myself with other tasks when I have work to do! Stp Little Bits is adorable! My fat cat named Monkey is purring away happily next to me...she clearly does NOT suffer from anxiety.

Interesting that you have a cat named monkey

The question has to be asked

What would a pet monkey be named?

02-03-2014, 07:11 PM
Lol ask Monkey if she'll give some advice to stephs anxious cat :)

02-03-2014, 07:16 PM
Jesse your above post sort of described me a little too perfectly (well prior to the anxiety flare up in the last 2 months). I would realistically need some relief once every 1-2 weeks, but then a little more regularly when final exams start, which is a 2 week stretch. I'm a little torn now. I just need some sort of quick-fix to deal with the situations I find myself in the near future. I guess talking it over with my doctor would be best

I have a couple of valium tucked away for peace of mind (prescriptions are REALLY relaxed back home where my parents live haha) but would really like a respected doctor's opinion on it all. Although I have to say all the anxiety-pros on here offer more valuable advice IMO :)

02-03-2014, 07:18 PM
Nixon, I guess a pet Monkey would have a less than desirable name eh?

02-03-2014, 07:21 PM
Nixon, I guess a pet Monkey would have a less than desirable name eh?

It's your world

Your monkey just lives in it! : )

02-03-2014, 07:51 PM
Jesse your above post sort of described me a little too perfectly (well prior to the anxiety flare up in the last 2 months). I would realistically need some relief once every 1-2 weeks, but then a little more regularly when final exams start, which is a 2 week stretch. I'm a little torn now. I just need some sort of quick-fix to deal with the situations I find myself in the near future. I guess talking it over with my doctor would be best

I have a couple of valium tucked away for peace of mind (prescriptions are REALLY relaxed back home where my parents live haha) but would really like a respected doctor's opinion on it all. Although I have to say all the anxiety-pros on here offer more valuable advice IMO :)

Oh ok, not a bad length of time at all for benzo use. I thought you meant you'd maybe want one every few days :)

That anxiety pro comment reminds me of Vietnam vets 'You weren't thereeeee man!!'

I guess we're all Anxiety vets

'You don't understand, you've never had it maaaaaan'

02-03-2014, 08:37 PM
Only been doing it for a little over a month now..its not the CBT that I lack faith in, more my therapist. She keeps wanting to explain away my anxiety, pinning it onto random things in my life. I know there are a million and one posts on this site about medication and their affects. But I have a quick question! I'm on the last stretch of finishing my degree, and can already tell that my anxiety is really taking its toll on my performance...so I was thinking of starting a benzo as a short-term bandaid for the high-stress times ahead, along with CBT of course. However I'm just a little concerned about their side affects, would drowsiness etc maybe work against my work even more?

Get a new therapist. You need to trust him or her to have a positive effect on you IMHO.