View Full Version : Opinions on xanax..?

02-03-2014, 11:52 AM
I was wondering what everyone's opinion was on Xanax... The past few nights I've been taking .5 mgs because it's the only way I can sleep... Is this okay do you think? I'm just worried about it because I've heard horror stories about getting addicted and withdrawals etc.. Idk if it varies on the amount you take since I take a smaller dosages. I don't know I'm just confused lol thanks!

02-03-2014, 12:19 PM
I used to take Xanax every day, same .5 mgs as you. I probably took it every day for about a year and I never felt "addicted" to it. It worked well for me. When it was time to get off it, I weened off slowly, just like you should with any medicine, and didn't have any major withdrawal problems.

HOWEVER, be wary about becoming dependent upon it to sleep. Whenever the doctor prescribes a sleeping aid to me (like Xanax, and right now I take Ativan), I only take it if absolutely necessary. I mean, if I'm up to 3 or 4 am for days in a row and at my wits' end! I try every night to go to bed naturally first... I try to do some breathing exercises and the such. This forum is chocked full of techniques you can use to help you sleep :) If I just can't sleep I try to get up and occupy myself, maybe read or watch tv, take a bath. I'm always worried that I will get into the habit of using something artificial to sleep and once you've established that pattern –*it's very difficult to get out of.

02-03-2014, 12:52 PM
It can help but I find it better to use on an as needed basis, so it doesn't lose its effectiveness...and so it doesn't become addictive.

02-03-2014, 01:15 PM
I was wondering what everyone's opinion was on Xanax... The past few nights I've been taking .5 mgs because it's the only way I can sleep... Is this okay do you think? I'm just worried about it because I've heard horror stories about getting addicted and withdrawals etc.. Idk if it varies on the amount you take since I take a smaller dosages. I don't know I'm just confused lol thanks!

I think Xanax is great

Just used to take it as I needed it

I hear some people take it all the time but usually they switch to a SSRI if they need something longer term

02-03-2014, 02:46 PM
It helps me out a lot!

02-03-2014, 06:30 PM
I need to remember how it feels

May give one a go tonight so I can be better give an educated opinion

I get a new prescription every year and I never use them

Maybe 1 shall be missing this time

02-03-2014, 06:45 PM
I've been taking xanax for 2 years........ Much higher than .5 lol..... But I've weened myself down sooooo just be careful :)

02-03-2014, 07:02 PM
I've been taking xanax for 2 years........ Much higher than .5 lol..... But I've weened myself down sooooo just be careful :)

How much are you taking now and do you have side effects from weening off?

02-03-2014, 07:13 PM
I was up to 4 mg and cut back to 3 mgs..... Not anything bad really yet... I'm planning on cutting down every two weeks. I've made it through the first week. I wake up startled sometimes but just go back to sleep.... And I'm having to kind of retrain the sleeping process. But hey that's ok! I seem to need them more in the morning and when I'm going to go out into public HA I'm just a nut I guess :)

02-03-2014, 07:15 PM
I was up to 4 mg and cut back to 3 mgs..... Not anything bad really yet... I'm planning on cutting down every two weeks. I've made it through the first week. I wake up startled sometimes but just go back to sleep.... And I'm having to kind of retrain the sleeping process. But hey that's ok! I seem to need them more in the morning and when I'm going to go out into public HA I'm just a nut I guess :)

I'm nuts. Their nuts. We're all nuts!

That is great that you are getting it down

Since no real side effects, are you still feeling well?

02-03-2014, 07:17 PM
Yes I feel ok. My whole thing is instead of trying to ride that panic attack out I run to the xanax so I'm really trying hard to tell myself I know what it is and I don't need a xanax for everything! Although I've been really dizzy lately? Hmm

02-03-2014, 07:28 PM
I was wondering what everyone's opinion was on Xanax... The past few nights I've been taking .5 mgs because it's the only way I can sleep... Is this okay do you think? I'm just worried about it because I've heard horror stories about getting addicted and withdrawals etc.. Idk if it varies on the amount you take since I take a smaller dosages. I don't know I'm just confused lol thanks!

You really shouldn't get addicted to only .5 mg. Xanax really helps me and it's great for sleeping, but really you should take it when needed. You shouldn't depend on it to fall asleep. Instead, research other ways to fall asleep easier...either with supplements or relaxation techniques. Resort to Xanax on really bad nights or when you feel anxious.

02-03-2014, 11:12 PM
Thank you so much everyone who responded! I appreciate it very much :) it seems to be the only thing that is helping me to feel somewhat normal lately and I just wanted to be sure that it was safe to be taking .5 mgs a day :)

02-03-2014, 11:15 PM
Thank you so much everyone who responded! I appreciate it very much :) it seems to be the only thing that is helping me to feel somewhat normal lately and I just wanted to be sure that it was safe to be taking .5 mgs a day :)

a friend of mine was cured in one month with xanax.she is fine now.she had gad.it is a very fast relief

02-04-2014, 05:37 AM
Thank you so much everyone who responded! I appreciate it very much :) it seems to be the only thing that is helping me to feel somewhat normal lately and I just wanted to be sure that it was safe to be taking .5 mgs a day :)

I sometimes have insomnia issues. Chamomile tea works wonders for me, have you tried it? Drink a cup not long before bedtime. ....it will put you right to sleep.

02-04-2014, 08:34 AM
About 18 years ago I was prescribed Xanax along with clonazepam. I took the Xanax at night to help me sleep. This was done under the supervision of a psychiatrist. About 2 years later, I decided that I didn't need the Xanax, and just stopped cold turkey. [I didn't know that benzos were addictive, that there might be problems withdrawing, etc, etc. ] I had almost no trouble quitting. The dose I took was .25.

Here are a couple of thoughts:

a) I still take .5mg of clonazepam at night, but I would not be able to go and stay asleep without my books on tape which I download from my public library. If, for some reason, my library decided to discontinue books on tape, I'd probably have to sell my first born child to audible.com.
b) It is very difficult to get Xanax for an extended period these days. Psychiatrists, in particular, are reluctant to prescribe it past a certain period, unless trust has built up between patient and physician. So, it is probable that you wouldn't be given a refill for too many months longer. Check with your doctor on that. I'm saying this so that in the back of your head you can have advanced warning.
c) On a related note, if you are not seeing a psychiatrist, please do so. If this is a new prescription, then I think it's doubly important to be seen by someone whose sole specialty is dealing with behavioral health.
d) Xanax is really best as a performance anxiety drug or if someone knows that she is going to have an extremely stressful period. It is fast acting but leaves the system in 3 hours. So, it might help you fall asleep, but it might not keep you asleep? Something to consider as well. A good psychiatrist can talk to you about the kinds of drugs that are available and you should yourself ask why Xanax over any other kind of medication or benzos?
e) Benzos are a class of drugs that for a certain segment of the population are quite addictive. For another segment, people who suffer from chronic anxiety, they are a good medication. I have a health respect for this class of drug, but drugs are only a tool. They should be one tool in a larger kit that includes -- recognizing that one might have trouble sleeping for several weeks but that's part of life, therapies that address the causes of the insomnia and what might be triggering it and what to do about that, talking on this forum to people who suffer from anxiety and finding out how they cope, etc.

The short answer: I'd cut the pill in half and see if that can get you to sleep, the less taken the better. I'd see a psychiatrist. I'd discuss with a therapist what is causing this anxiety and what ways it might be mitigated. Finally, the pill is best used for stressful situations experienced while awake.

Hope this helps.

02-04-2014, 10:36 AM
I was up to 4 mg and cut back to 3 mgs..... Not anything bad really yet... I'm planning on cutting down every two weeks. I've made it through the first week. I wake up startled sometimes but just go back to sleep.... And I'm having to kind of retrain the sleeping process. But hey that's ok! I seem to need them more in the morning and when I'm going to go out into public HA I'm just a nut I guess :)

Lol, you definitely aren't alone on that! I feel I need them when I know there's gonna be a lot of people.

02-04-2014, 10:37 AM
Xanax is great @ night so you can sleep.