View Full Version : Just been to the theraphist, bad news :(

02-03-2014, 07:55 AM
Ugh. I feel like jumping off a bridge right now. I've been to the doc, nothing is wrong with me physically. I've just been to the theraphist and she made me panic. Why? I told her my story, how I got my anxiety/panic attacks. I told her everything, that I got it from smoking marijuana. She told me I had a psychosis the first time and that I still I have it. I might hallucinate or maybe go crazy now. This is what she told me. I don't know why she said this, I think she did it to scare me from smoking again. However, when she told me that, I got the worst panic attack ever. I've been "panic-free" for a month and now this happens. She told me that there is alot of people who have commited suicide because of this "derealization/depersonalization" feeling. She also told me that it might stay forever and that I have to go through it. This is embarrassing, but I went from there crying. My doc won't give me any medication because she thinks it's not that bad. UGHHH!

Will it go away or is she right?

I'm freaking out as I'm typing this, please help! :(

02-03-2014, 07:58 AM
OMG you need to stop seeing her she don't know what she's talking about,she sounds like a joke and very very non professional to me

02-03-2014, 08:03 AM
OMG you need to stop seeing her she don't know what she's talking about,she sounds like a joke and very very non professional to me

She told me that she's got over 30 years of experience. I don't know, I wanted to punch her in the face before leaving. But I don't know if she's telling me the truth? Is she right? Will it be stuck like this forever if I don't take any medications?

02-03-2014, 08:04 AM
Ugh. I feel like jumping off a bridge right now. I've been to the doc, nothing is wrong with me physically. I've just been to the theraphist and she made me panic. Why? I told her my story, how I got my anxiety/panic attacks. I told her everything, that I got it from smoking marijuana. She told me I had a psychosis the first time and that I still I have it. I might hallucinate or maybe go crazy now. This is what she told me. I don't know why she said this, I think she did it to scare me from smoking again. However, when she told me that, I got the worst panic attack ever. I've been "panic-free" for a month and now this happens. She told me that there is alot of people who have commited suicide because of this "derealization/depersonalization" feeling. She also told me that it might stay forever and that I have to go through it. This is embarrassing, but I went from there crying. My doc won't give me any medication because she thinks it's not that bad. UGHHH!

Who the hell would say that to someone?

Especially someone with anxiety regarding the very thing they are telling them may kill them

First, fire your therapist. They are horrible

Yes, people will kill themselves over the things she mentions and almost everything else

But they already have much deeper issues to be able to do that

Nothing os wrong with you physically, and that is awesome

You have anxiety. You have your mind trained to think a certain way. That's it. Doesnt amtter why

You will get to the point where you will train it back the way you want

You're not going anywhere.

Don't let someone convince you of something they read once in a book

Keep reading the posts here and you will understand that you are not the person that would do such a thing
I'm freaking out as I'm typing this, please help!

02-03-2014, 08:04 AM
OMG you need to stop seeing her she don't know what she's talking about,she sounds like a joke and very very non professional to me

hey i developed some dp dr but i am managing it.dont worry it will go away as soon as you realize that it is just anxiety.you need to feel yourself again,go for walks and share emotions.i developed it as a chemical imbalance and the doc put me on lexapro which is really helpul coz it has reduced my anxiety and i dont panic anymore and i sleep like a sheep.stop seeing that doc she is horrendous.just let it be,try to paint somethinf it really helps.and remember if you were in a dream you wouldnt be able to think or feel,so it is real.

02-03-2014, 08:11 AM
Who the hell would say that to someone?

Especially someone with anxiety regarding the very thing they are telling them may kill them

First, fire your therapist. They are horrible

Yes, people will kill themselves over the things she mentions and almost everything else

But they already have much deeper issues to be able to do that

Nothing os wrong with you physically, and that is awesome

You have anxiety. You have your mind trained to think a certain way. That's it. Doesnt amtter why

You will get to the point where you will train it back the way you want

You're not going anywhere.

Don't let someone convince you of something they read once in a book

Keep reading the posts here and you will understand that you are not the person that would do such a thing
I'm freaking out as I'm typing this, please help!

She actually googled my symptoms. I'm serious. She freaking googled my symptoms. Still, I believed her. I don't know why, I know that everything she is saying is completly irrational, but yet I believed her. I'm so messed up right now. Ugh, I'm going to change her asap. Thank you, appreciate the help!

02-03-2014, 08:15 AM
hey i developed some dp dr but i am managing it.dont worry it will go away as soon as you realize that it is just anxiety.you need to feel yourself again,go for walks and share emotions.i developed it as a chemical imbalance and the doc put me on lexapro which is really helpul coz it has reduced my anxiety and i dont panic anymore and i sleep like a sheep.stop seeing that doc she is horrendous.just let it be,try to paint somethinf it really helps.and remember if you were in a dream you wouldnt be able to think or feel,so it is real.

I did manage my dr/dp very good. In fact, it started to fade away. After this meeting, it got worse. She was only backing up my irrational theories.

02-03-2014, 08:17 AM
She told me that she's got over 30 years of experience. I don't know, I wanted to punch her in the face before leaving. But I don't know if she's telling me the truth? Is she right? Will it be stuck like this forever if I don't take any medications?

Ok I need to say I've had panic attacks since I was 17 I'm now 38
They come and go,I deal with them,your not going to go mad and kill yourself or anyone etc
I'm not saying people don't but they are very rare
If your doc thinks you don't need anything and you want something to cope for now then change your doc,belive me your going to be ok
I'm no therapist but she sounds like she's talking a lot of c!!p

02-03-2014, 08:22 AM
I did manage my dr/dp very good. In fact, it started to fade away. After this meeting, it got worse. She was only backing up my irrational theories.

i know how you feel.i went to my therapist and he made me some games changing chairs and taking to myself and all that,which distracted me totally and i got freaked out and decided that it was time to go to meds.i dont have a magic formula for dp dr but i think that constantly reminding it makes it worse,and therapy does that.

02-03-2014, 08:36 AM
Don't put things in your head, just change Doc that's all. Good luck

02-03-2014, 09:00 AM
Quit that therapist, she is an idiot, there are many of them.
I am living and dealing with anxiety for over 30 years and I would say i have a normal life, with some help of meds and meditation, and the fantastic people here.

02-03-2014, 09:26 AM
She said that panic attacks/severe anxiety can cause psychosis/hallucinations, is this true? And the fact that I got my anxiety from cannabis and I that I've experienced a psychosis once only backs up what she says. I'm also hallucinating from the sides/corners of my eyes, is this normal? If I have some kind of psychosis disorder, I might need to get to a mental hospital. Am I going crazy?? ughh :((

02-03-2014, 09:37 AM
Are u sure the cannabis were the reason you got anxiety? There is nothing wrong with cannabis and it actually calms anxious person:)
You not hallucinating, you have probably flashes on the sides of your eyes. You need to find normal doc, the best would be a psychiatrist, but good one. Try to calm down and focus what you actually see....

02-03-2014, 09:55 AM
Are u sure the cannabis were the reason you got anxiety? There is nothing wrong with cannabis and it actually calms anxious person:)
You not hallucinating, you have probably flashes on the sides of your eyes. You need to find normal doc, the best would be a psychiatrist, but good one. Try to calm down and focus what you actually see....

I was very paranoid before I started smoking. But I wasn't anxious, I wasn't stressed and tensed 24/7. I got the worst panic attack(maybe psychosis) the third time I smoke. It was horrible. If I've had a psychosis once, can it hit me again? Even though I'm not smoking or drinking?

02-03-2014, 10:25 AM
I think if your very worried and you want to go on meds then ask your doc and also change your therapist as she's no good at all

02-03-2014, 10:34 AM
see i am on the same boat as you.i doubt everything i see and sometimes i get crazy ideas.but i try not to focus on them. i change them into similiar words that dont worry me.plus after sleeping i dont care anymore about my thoughts.i had issues with sleep which led me to some dp dr coz i used to sleep and wake up a lot and i lost touch.but meds have helped me.they take away the anxiety and panic.and then u must find the way what bothers you by conftonting it.meds are to help you but they are not magic pills the magic is in your hands and head.

02-03-2014, 10:43 AM
How I see it the meds are there if you want them or if you need a crutch for a while,I personally think you just have high anxiety at the moment and that's all it is,if you think your going mad believe me your not as a person who is going mad does not think oh am I going mad
Your anxiety is fuelling this thought and that's all
I know you think oh she's just saying that but I've been there and had relapes and I've had some pretty scary intrusive thoughts that I thought I was going off my head,you are going to be ok :)

02-03-2014, 10:53 AM
Thank you sooo much!

Yeah, I'll probably start taking meds. I'm scared to take them though. I've heard alot about the side effects. Someone said it'll make it worse and I'll get nausea, heart palpitations, suicidal thoughts etc. Also, I'm very paranoid right now, I can't even drink coffe or sodas anymore.

My anxiety wasn't high before I visited my therapist. I was doing fine. My anxiety was slowly fading away and I felt great. But she told me some scary things that I didn't even know about. She told me I could go crazy if I didn't relax. As if I'm supposed to relax after telling me that. What an idiot. She also told me that I should go to the ER asap when I got a panic attack for some reason.

I'm taking B-vitamins and magnesium atm, which has helped me alooot. Again, thank you for the support!

02-03-2014, 11:20 AM
Acute episodes of psychosis can occur from "extreme" periods of anxiety (doesn't always include the use of stimulants or drugs). But generally in isolated episodes, and often return to normal. (We have a family history of this).

Some people experience mania due to higher levels of dopamine produced through drug use, or naturally occurring in the brain (rules out the majority of anxiety sufferers). That said psychosis can be controlled through meds, so in the unlikely event your worst fears happened there is treatment.

The best way to avoid any kind of episode is to try and relax yourself as much as you can, worrying about it will only fuel your anxiety and make you feel worse (but unlikely psychotic).

Ps I agree you should drop the therapist. If your doc isn't worried then you shouldn't be either.

Thank you James!!

Once again, you've saved me from freaking out for nothing. I really needed this information!

02-03-2014, 12:10 PM
run dont walk and on your way out the door tell he she is a fucken idiot .

I don't care if she has 30 years experience or not. Any one can have 30 years of doing something and that does not make you know what you are doing .

The whole story tells me that she does not have a friggen clue , not even a little bit . The one thing that it does point out is that she has her own problems and these are seriously based around drugs . I would not be surprised if there is a death somewhere in here past that involves drugs . Maybe a brother or sister or parent that was heavily involved in drugs .You will find that this is very common that a therapist has some sort of vested interest in why the got into it in the first place . It was never about helping people but about try to save someone that they may lost about dealing with their own shit .

But this is nothing to do with her and she has crossed the line

First as far as there is nothing physically wrong is not correct . This is the worse mindset someone with a mental illness can take or be brainwashed into believing . This is like telling someone that they have cancer and its their fault and they should fix it . They might not have a test to prove that there is nothing physically wrong but then again most brain disorders also dont have test to prove it . If there was nothing physically wrong then there would be nothing mentally wrong either . The brain and body work as a set , not on their own.

You will get past this but the first thing you need to do is go and find someone that will treat you and not blame you for their own problems .

OMG, yes. She said that she had 2 close friends that passed away 10 years ago because of drugs. She kept talking about them almost all the time. She also told me that she takes medicine for something, but she didn't want to say what is was. Is it this easy to become a therapist these days? She freaking googled my symptoms. Frustrating.

02-03-2014, 12:17 PM
She's right in one thing, depersonalization made me feel darn suicidal everyday for the 3ish years that I suffered from it.

But you're a young man, even younger than me when I was diagnosed with it. Young men are built to be resilient.

Sure, it could technically stay forever, but, so could anything; heartburn could stay forever, weight gain could, skin problems could.

I don't see how her highlighting that reduces your anxiety problem, which is part of the cause of it. That's a little bit of a puzzler.

But essentially thats why you take steps to resolve the problem. So it doesn't stay forever. Usually the steps are very successful too, I can say that as a long term sufferer. Eventually you get there.

And on the subject of resolving the anxiety problem, I don't think this therapist is the one to do that job! You've got to have confidence in their process of getting you better. It sounds like that's been shot!

02-03-2014, 12:21 PM
We need the like option, Jessed said it all;)) Would it be nice to have this option instead of posting:)))

02-03-2014, 12:25 PM
Jessed did nail it! You HAVE to be confident in your therapist's ability to help you. There has to be no doubt in your mind that they're trying every avenue they can to help. Even if that means medication! They may have a personal stigma against "drugs", but that should never interfere with their diagnosis of YOU.

Olive Yew
02-03-2014, 12:51 PM
She sounds like the same kind of self glorifying hag that told me that I had depression anxiety and the only cure was medications. I'm not perfect but i'm a heck of a lot better than I was to begin with and guess what? No meds. What you need to realize is you'd already made that progress. You'd been panic free for a month. You were already proving her wrong. She was an asshole and set you back. That doesn't mean you're stick. It just means you were bullied by someone who was irritated that you didn't fit her statistics. Anxiety isn't permanent. You just gotta find your secret recipe of relaxation, exercise, eating right, and positive thinking that will set you right.

02-03-2014, 01:19 PM
She sounds like the same kind of self glorifying hag that told me that I had depression anxiety and the only cure was medications. I'm not perfect but i'm a heck of a lot better than I was to begin with and guess what? No meds. What you need to realize is you'd already made that progress. You'd been panic free for a month. You were already proving her wrong. She was an asshole and set you back. That doesn't mean you're stick. It just means you were bullied by someone who was irritated that you didn't fit her statistics. Anxiety isn't permanent. You just gotta find your secret recipe of relaxation, exercise, eating right, and positive thinking that will set you right.

That's pretty well said, Olive

Don't let her derail you from your progress

And don't look at it as a setback that you panicked a little

It's to be expected

Your recovery isn't based on how long you can go with having an attack

It's based on how you react when you get those panicky feelings

She just really popped you with something that is a huge trigger for you

02-03-2014, 01:23 PM
She's right in one thing, depersonalization made me feel darn suicidal everyday for the 3ish years that I suffered from it.

But you're a young man, even younger than me when I was diagnosed with it. Young men are built to be resilient.

Sure, it could technically stay forever, but, so could anything; heartburn could stay forever, weight gain could, skin problems could.

I don't see how her highlighting that reduces your anxiety problem, which is part of the cause of it. That's a little bit of a puzzler.

But essentially thats why you take steps to resolve the problem. So it doesn't stay forever. Usually the steps are very successful too, I can say that as a long term sufferer. Eventually you get there.

And on the subject of resolving the anxiety problem, I don't think this therapist is the one to do that job! You've got to have confidence in their process of getting you better. It sounds like that's been shot!

Agree 100%. It's just that when something new comes up in your life, this dramatic, turning your whole life around, you get confused. Especially if you don't know what the problem is. The first week when I got my anxiety was the worst one because I didn't have any knowledge about it at all. Now, I can handle it better than I could one month ago. But when she tells me that this will stay forever, when I've been having this for two months, makes me feel suicidal. If she'd say this a year later, I wouldn't panic about it because I would've known how to handle the panic better.

Yeah, I've been having trouble finding a good therapist. It always end up as if I'm the therapist. They tell their stories and how they've suffered from it and I'm supposed to learn from it. Then they end everything with "it'll be better".

She kept telling me that drugs are bad, as if I could regret trying it :S It must be one hell of a good therapist to make me trust him/her and his/hers process of me getting better.

02-03-2014, 01:24 PM
She sounds like the same kind of self glorifying hag that told me that I had depression anxiety and the only cure was medications. I'm not perfect but i'm a heck of a lot better than I was to begin with and guess what? No meds. What you need to realize is you'd already made that progress. You'd been panic free for a month. You were already proving her wrong. She was an asshole and set you back. That doesn't mean you're stick. It just means you were bullied by someone who was irritated that you didn't fit her statistics. Anxiety isn't permanent. You just gotta find your secret recipe of relaxation, exercise, eating right, and positive thinking that will set you right.

Thank you! You're an inspiration!

02-03-2014, 02:42 PM
I would go back to punch her in the face before firing her! First of all, I have googled my symptoms and it's given me some off the wall shit so change her and go to someone else who actually cares and wants to help people with need. My doctor told me NOT TO look up my symptoms because that's bad so why in the world would she? If she has a Yelp.com page you should complain on her! There is medication that help you. I too feel like I am in a dream sometimes that I get so scared. Sort of like I smoked a joint and I used to smoke marijuana but would always get a panic attack while on it so maybe that was one of my downfalls. My doctor prescribed me Zanax and I feel good while I'm on it. I don't know if it'll ever go away. I ask myself the same question. I hope it does. I really do :( but I have never seeked for help. I really think I should because there's certain things I've gone through that when I think about them, I just break down. Which honestly makes me feel better. I hope you don't ever go back to her. You need uplifting thoughts not negative ones!