View Full Version : Heart just won't slow down

02-03-2014, 06:53 AM
I seem to be getting one panic attack a week or at least that's what I hope it is. Yesterday my heart was going quick and I thought taking a walk around the block would calm me down. I made it back without a problem - even went up two fairly steep hills - but after I had lunch my heart was racing and I couldn't get it to slow down. I called my mom, who actually had these attacks at the same age, and she encouraged me to lay on the couch and take deep breaths.

What drives me crazy about it is that the symptoms are weird. My breathing isn't affected but I get this racing heart that just won't slow down and after the attack subsides I feel like I want to go back to what I was doing. I also seem to be sleeping better than I used to. Yet I go through every minute of the day worrying if I'm going to have a heart attack. :(

02-03-2014, 08:11 AM
Have you been to a doc to get the all clear physically?

If so and you are AOK, the symptoms of elevated heart rate are really common when you are anxious, even though you may not be at that panic point

02-03-2014, 08:46 AM
Have you been to a doc to get the all clear physically?

If so and you are AOK, the symptoms of elevated heart rate are really common when you are anxious, even though you may not be at that panic point

I'm going to make an appointment to see my doctor. I was actually wanting to go to the ER, but the panic symptoms subsided and it wasn't really an emergency anymore.

I was in the process of getting a checkup before all of this started. I got blood work and urinalysis, my doc said by mail that my cholesterol is slightly high (it's always been) and there were red blood cells found in my urine. I had one heart incident 6 years ago when I had a reaction to a flu shot, passed out, and had to be cardioverted for an arrhythmia. I've been OK up until this past year when I started having problems going to the bathroom and what seems like reflux. It was a very tense year, when I was going through a promotion at work, amongst other things. I've always been a worrier, so I try to convince myself that it's anxiety.

I should also mention that I haven't actually felt pain when this happens, other than the muscles in my back and shoulders tightening up. I was notorious for chest tightness, but that seems to have stopped during all of this.