View Full Version : Good morning. I need some help por favor!

02-03-2014, 06:15 AM
This morning my daughter woke up saying she didn't feel food. Well she went to bed feeling nauseous!! And as I'm sure some of u have seen I don't vomit. It's been 20years since I have. So she woke me up telling me she didn't feel well (nauseous) :-) so I let her stay home. As I started to get comfortable, I started to feel a bit uneasy, kept turning. A little bit of a nervous stomach so I made the excuse that I needed to potty so she wouldn't see me. Got up went to bathroom and felt my pulse, it was racing. Bad. So i start pacing in my living Room trying to calm myself down!! I accomplish that rather quickly.. heart rate has came down quickly.. and I feel better. I have panic attacks frequently. Can someone help me understand what just happened!!!!?????

02-03-2014, 06:45 AM
Panic can be pretty intense, but it can be milder too, and last just a few seconds or minutes.

I'm guessing that the whole bug thing caused a little stress, and your body panicked a bit, but you were able to bring yourself down instead of it turning into a full blown attack.

When you have anxiety, small things like that can set you off.

I could be wrong lol, that's what it sounds like.

You did well, no?

02-03-2014, 06:58 AM
Well the thought in my mind just kept on and on until my belly got a bit uneasy is what I figured...Ugh it was like my mind was in over drive!

02-03-2014, 09:04 AM
ilovey just hug with your daughter, nothing calms me down as a hug from my children. I raised them, having anxiety and knowing that I have to appear calm for them, actually calmed me down.