View Full Version : Hi

02-03-2014, 03:40 AM
I'm new to this site though not to Anxiety, ive had problems with it most of my life been through, CBT, Counseling, hypnotherapy and now medication. My Anxiety has come hand in hand with depression and some awful coping mechanisms. It can drop for a while to little more than the feeling before a big ride but recently im losing alot of time to debilitating panic resulting in no sleep, vomiting, crying and feeling generally like a total useless waste of space. I have a husband who try's to help but he really doesn't understand, especially some of the things i do which i feel he leans more to chastising me for than trying to understand.

So that's me, well some of me, just got to try and keep smiling. Thank you for reading.

02-03-2014, 03:44 AM
Been here a few months lots of nice people and good advice. Hope it helps you.

02-03-2014, 07:03 AM
Welcome to the forums; I'm sorry you've been going through so much... It's great you're here though! There are a lot of people here that are really good for it when you need to vent or just need some help coping with certain situations. We've all got a little something extra on our plates, and who better to understand?