View Full Version : what is going on with me

02-03-2014, 01:21 AM
hey guys i tried so much to give strenght to myself,but as soon as i get a little better something happens and makes me worse.i have noticed that after something happens to my health i start developing irrational ideas.for example one i was having blurred vision and i saw something about blindness and i thought i was blind even though i did see perfectly.or another day i saw a fly in my room and i thought that the room was full of them even though there wasnt any.i think it is my anxiety which triggers things like this.i take lexapro so it is easy to cope with these crazy ideas.any advice please is this common?

02-03-2014, 05:05 AM
anxiety is never a smooth road in recovery and it takes time . The best thing that you can do is learn to control your response to it along the way .

This includes learning the things to do to help but also the things to avoid that will add extra anxiety into the mix .
It is also very important to learn that there is mental symptoms and brain symptoms and you need to learn the difference so that you know which ones you can just let flow .

i get these crazy ideas at night before sleeping and always when there is something that bothers me.they come in the form of what if.what if we were not real or what if this is all a lie and things like that.i dont see stuf that are not there thank god, but i doubt things,kind of irrational fears.